no homo

167 6 3

may 30th, 2017


Tyler wasn't gay, but he loved Josh Dun. His best friend, his main man, his go-to, his partner in crime, his companion, his totally-platonic-not-gay soulmate. He could go on and on about how much of a good friend Joshua was.

The only thing was that whenever Tyler said "no homo, dude" Josh would burst into a fit of giggles. Although, "this is nothing to laugh about, Josh" seemed to only make it worse, and eventually Tyler gave up. He was done trying to convince his best friend.

So he here was now, in third period English with the pink-haired boy. His beautiful bright pink hair that he was definitely not attracted to, and he also happened to not be attracted to that nose ring he got a bit back.

Since it was nearing the end of the year, his teacher decided to go easy on them and have them all read books. But, she did say that since they acted like first graders, they'd be treated like it.

And that's how they ended up snuggled up together in the corner by the book shelf. Snuggling and cuddling was pretty common for them lately, and not just in their stuffy classroom. It was pretty comfortable, what with Josh's strong arms and always warm body.

Even though they were in their little corner, pretty much everyone saw them and made multiple comments. Today was no different, as Brendon rolled his eyes at them. "Y'all are so gay, I swear. When are you gonna admit it?" he groaned.

"Brendon, language!" the teacher shouted.

"Sorry, Miss Jansen!" the raven-haired boy shouted back.

"Anyways, I'm not gay man. Dude, I'll prove it to you right here, right now. Look at this." Tyler sat up and grabbed Josh's face and kissed him hard, then pulled away after a moment. "No homo, Josh. See? It's not gay." Tyler shrugged.

"Yeah, no homo." Josh snorted, stifling a laugh. "Are you kidding me? Just because you say no homo doesn't mean it isn't gay! Besides, I'm pretty sure you're gay so it doesn't count at all, Josh." Brendon said.

"And I'm pretty sure you're wrong. Josh himself told me, in his words, that he is definitely one hundred percent straight and not gay for me. So yeah, suck it." Tyler said, matter-of-factly.

"I don't think you understand what sarcasm is." Brendon squinted.

Tyler pulled a sour face and stuck his tongue out.

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