143 5 0

november 18th, 2017


josh wakes up later than usual. he slowly turns over on his other side, "t-tyler?" he groans, trying to touch someone that wasn't there. he slowly opens his eyes and immediately frowns at the sight.

the covers were pushed aside, the spot and pillow was cold. tyler was gone. of course, he should've known, who would want to be with someone like josh anyways? especially with your best friend who you had drunk sex with.

he's sure tyler hates him now. he was the one who initiated it with a kiss, but tyler was the one who kissed back with just as much intensity. he shouldn't of expected tyler to stay in the first place, he should've known, he should've fucking known.

a tear or two fell down his cheeks. god, he loved tyler. he's been in love with him for five years, known him for ten. why didn't he see this coming?

suddenly, the door bursts open, revealing the man himself with a tray in both hands. "good morning, sunshine!" he shouts. "oh, oh no, what's wrong joshie? was i really that bad last night?" he bites his lip, setting down the tray.

josh shakes his head and wipes his tears. "j-just a nightmare." he laughed. i thought you left me. "so you made that for me?" he smiles, pointing to the food.

"of course i did! you know, now that we're like... dating and stuff now. aren't we?" tyler's eyes hold panic in them, scared he misinterpreted the situation.

"yes! yes we are, thank you so much for breakfast, ty. really, i didn't even know you could cook this whole time." josh joked.

"i can, so get used to it, baby. from now on, i'm going to take care of you and spooky over here, alright?" tyler cupped his cheek and kissed him, nothing but love and innocence in it.

josh can't believe he thought so badly of his now-lover.

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