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november 13th, 2017


Tyler remembers the first time they met. It was at Starbucks in the beginning of winter of 2017. They were both in line, and Josh was behind him looking beautiful as ever. At the time, he had pink hair, it was curly (still is, just a little straighter) and his hazel eyes were almost sparkling in the dim lights.

"I'll have a grande mocha and, whatever he's having behind me." Tyler smiled, turning around to look at him. "O-oh, that's so sweet, but I couldn't let you do that." Josh shook his head.

"Please, I insist." Tyler said, giving a twenty dollar bill to the cashier. "If you really want me to..." Josh chuckled, standing next to him, "A venti iced vanilla latte, thank you." he nodded. "And your names?" the cashier asked, marker in hand.

"Tyler for the mocha, and..."


The cashier gave Tyler his change back, and they went to sit down. Of course, it was by the window. Cliche. "So, Tyler, how can I repay you?" Josh giggled, running a hand through his curls. Tyler wished he could've done that for him.

"You don't have to, really, just an act of kindness for a handsome man." Tyler winked. "I'm serious! Mine was expensive, I'd feel terrible if I didn't pay you back." Josh whined. "A date with you and your number sounds good to me, if you don't mind." Tyler joked. It wasn't really a joke.

"Josh for an iced vanilla latte!" they called out. Josh held up a finger and went up to get his drink, getting a napkin before returning. "You happen to be in luck, because I always carry pens with me." he laughed. He wrote his number and name down, a little heart in replacement of the dot on the j.

"But also unlucky, because I have to get back to work right now." he bit his lip. "O-oh, I mean, it's fine. I'll text or call you later, yeah?" Tyler hopefully said. "Yeah! I'm off at five thirty, call me anytime after that. Thank you so much again!" Josh smiled, grabbing his coat and running out the door.

"Tyler for a peppermint mocha!"


Fast forward to after their little date at some fancy restaurant, a week or two later. Tyler could tell something was off with Josh, he didn't seem nearly as excited as before. After Starbucks, anyways. He just didn't know what it was.

"I'll pay for the bill, don't worry." Tyler had said. Josh smiled and nodded, thanking him but explaining he had to go. Josh seemed pretty busy even though it was 7'oclock at night, but Tyler shrugged it off. He really likes him, starting to.

It's hard to believe much though when Josh always conveniently has to go or has to attend to business matters. He would say it's something that Josh probably just does, but he doesn't give the same affection as Tyler does, not even close.

Josh sounds bored in his texts, on phone, but he's so 'cheerful' when they're face to face. It doesn't feel like just exhaustion from work, it doesn't feel anything like that. Tyler can just tell something's weird about this, but he wants to believe in him, doesn't want to ruin this.

Every date they have, Tyler pays for it himself. And it's not that Josh doesn't have the money, no, he can tell that Josh is very well off. He has the latest iPhone, expensive-looking clothes, he has a wonderful house (slash mansion) and a beautiful car. Tyler doesn't understand him, doesn't get why he keeps paying, or why Josh won't even offer.

They made a date for Friday night at seven o'clock, deciding to meet there instead of Tyler driving him there and back. Tyler got there at exactly seven, and waited there for thirty minutes. Josh was no where to be seen.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2019 ⏰

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