Where is she?

14 1 0

(Library hours from lindie/treekey's view)

I wake up with a small yawn stretching my limbs. My branches shake lightly from this. I get up shaking my head a bit.

Climbing out from the drawer, I realize I'm alone and I climb down and head into the Slytherin main area. I sneak along the edge glancing at all the people in here. I roll my eyes and work my way out to the hallways. Oh how the hallways are so evil.

I wander along the floor and talk to a few ghosts who point me along as I go around. I first checked the dinning hall and got soccer kicked once. Then checked all of Katherina's classrooms. Soon enuf I checked with Ravenclaw very secretive ghost who tells me she last saw her head to the library. I thanked the ghost and went on my way.

After a while I make it to the library. I search around and spot a mini book trying to fly to its spot. "The pocket book of potions" is what it's tittle is. I jump a bit catching the small book and keep my branches tightly around it.

I soon confirm that Katherina isn't here. I make angry noises and make my way back.

Along the way a rush of girls swarm above me. I hold onto the mini book tightly and move trying to avoid being step on and spot one being a Slytherin. I grab onto her cloak with one branch and hold on. Once she walk into the main room I drop down and scurry across the ground. I make an angry noise once reaching the room crawling over and crawl up getting on the desk.

I let out angry shouts slamming the tiny book down then pick up a pencil swinging it around. Before throwing it to the ground.

I've been searching!

I nearly got trampled!

And all I found was a book my size!

(325 words)
Written by me

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