The Nice List

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(Written by _Mak_tt_ )
*Special Christmas Episode, 6th year*

The Dorm was fairly silent, considering it was Christmas. It seemed that everyone had either gone to bed early or was still sitting in the dining hall, joking and exchanging gifts. Katherina recalled earlier that night, in the  dining hall with the stars reflecting off the walls and the tree lights glistening throughout the long room. He had been there of course, sitting at his table and glancing every so often at her. She only noticed because her eyes were glued to his robes, not that she meant to stare.

"You know, staring can be considered quite rude." His voice had been gentle and slightly teasing. She shot him a sheepish smile and glanced down at her fingers, slowly braiding the edges of her robe.


"No, no! I didn't mean- I just wanted to say Happy Christmas. I'm sorry if I made you feel bad."

Her face flushed, eyes widening. "Oh no, you didn't make me feel bad I just didn't want to seem like a creep for staring at you. Not that I was!" She mumbled under her breath.

Newt simply smiled at her and opened his arms. "Happy Christmas?"

She was unsure on what she needed to do, so she carefully stood and looked around the room.

"You're supposed to give me a hug, silly." He whispered to her playfully. She nodded her head and awkwardly embraced him. They stood that way for a moment before he squeezed her a bit tighter and ever so gently kissed her ear. "Happy Christmas, Katherina."

Katherina's eyes snapped open when she felt a tiny tug on her pinky finger. "Lindie? That you?" She grabbed for her wand and sat up straight, or as straight as she could manage. "Lumos." The dark room filled with a blinding white light as she searched the bed for the tiny Bowtruckle. "Ah, there you are. Sorry, I must have dozed off." The two stared at each other, expecting one to move. Finally Katherina reached down and motioned with her head for Treekey to climb onto her hand. After she had done so, she placed her on her knee, sitting in a crisscross formation.

"I've got a gift for you. It's not much and I didn't know what to get since you're....well..." she silenced herself. Katherina plucked a small ribbon from her nightstand, keeping steady the wand that she had placed in her lap, and tucked it around Treekey's tiny body. It was a slight purple in the lighting, with shimmer when turned at the right angles. Treekey squealed in delight and pulled at the ends of the ribbon, fashioning a small bow.

"Happy Christmas, to my best friend."

*Second part coming shortly tonight*

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