chapter 1

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Harry POV

"Bye Nick, I promise I'll come visit you soon. I'll miss you lad", I say as I hug my best friend for the last time. I feel tears rolling down my cheeks as I slowly let him go.

Nick and I have been best friends for 7 years now. We met in school and he stood up for me when people bullied me. I don't know why they bullied me though, probably because I have always been a bit different. I never really liked 'boy things' such as football or any other sports, I'm passionate about music. I guess they just thought it was weird but it never mattered to Nick. 

When I came out to him he accepted me and it never changed a thing between us. I'm so grateful to have him as a friend and I'm scared I might lose him.

"I really have to go now, Nick. I'll miss you so much, bye", I whisper just before I walk away. I will really miss him and I know he'll miss me too.

When I arrive back home with tears still escaping my eyes my mum starts yelling at me.

"Come on, Harry! Put your bags in the car, we have to leave!'. She doesn't even look at me, not that I expected anything different but it still hurts. I just said goodbye to my best friend and she doesn't care. 

She doesn't care about me.

In the car to Doncaster I put in my earphones and listen to some music, not much later I fall asleep and when Gemma wakes me up I see that we arrived.

The house is quite big, it is almost as big as the house next to ours, which I assumed would be where 'all the girls' live. 

I help my mum, Robin, and Gemma unpack before I grab my bags and walk to a room that Robin said is mine. 

My bedroom is really big, it even has my own bathroom. I drop my bags on the king-size bed that was already there and I start putting my clothes in the closet. When I'm done decorating my room with a few pictures I decide to see what Gemma's doing.

I tiptoe down the hall towards her room and I knock on her door before walking in. 

"Hey, Gem, what are you doing?", I ask her as I watch over her shoulder. She's doing something with books, for school I assume. 

"Just organizing my books, I start on Monday you know? That's two days from now Haz, I'm really nervous."

Oh I sure do understand, I nod before I whisper, "I know, I'm nervous too. What if I'll get bullied again? I have no friends, no one knows me". 

She looks at me like I'm a fool. "Who doesn't like you is blind, you're an amazing person! I'm sure they'll love you! You could go meet our neighbors and maybe become friends with one of the girls, maybe they even have a cute boy for you", she winks at me and I giggle.

That's one of the things I love so much about Gemma, she's always kind and loving. She has accepted me from the day I came out and she never talks about girlfriends anymore like mum does. She even encourages me to find a boyfriend but I'm scared to do that because I know mum won't approve. 

She does have a point though, I should go meet the neighbors. 'yeah I'll go meet them. Thank you Gemma. See you later' I say as I walk out of the door, ignoring mum yelling at me to come back.

Let this new adventure begin.



Hi! Enjoy the story x


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