chapter 45

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Harry POV

"Thank you for staying with me through everything", I say and Louis turns around and frowns.

"Harry, why wouldn't I stay?", he asks me and I shrug.

"I don't know, people tend to leave when it gets hard."

He takes my hands in his as I look down at my lap. "What are you talking about?"

Tears rise up in my eyes, "In-in Holmes Chapel people left when I told them I'm gay. They just left and sometimes I'm scared that the people here will leave me too, when things get hard, like now."

I look up at him, a bit embarrassed.

"Harry", he cups my cheek. "I love you, I'd never leave you when things get hard, that's what I'm here for, angel. I'm here to help and support you when things get hard. Because I love you, so much, Harry, please never forget that."

I tear up at these sweet words and I rest my head on his shoulder. "I love you so much."

"Aww", someone coos from the door. I look up to see my grandparents.

"Grandma, grandpa, hi", I smile at them as they approach me and Louis.

"We're so happy you woke up Harry", grandma cries. I hug her tightly, "Me too grandma."

"Oh Harry", grandpa starts as he embraces me and his voice breaks. "We're so glad you woke up, so glad."

"Louis, lovely to see you again", I see my grandma hugging Lou from the corner of my eyes and I smile at the sight.

Once we've done all the hugging and crying they ask me how I am.

"I'm pretty good actually", I smile. "I'm really glad to be back. I'm still low on energy. I can't lift anything or walk since I've been in a coma for over two months, but other than that, I'm doing good."

My grandparents smile at me, "I'm glad."

"So, I heard you met my lovely and gorgeous boyfriend while I was in that coma?", I squeeze Louis' hand as I see him blushing.

"Yeah we did", grandpa starts. "He's lovely."

Grandma nods, "He's very sweet and he cares about you a lot."

"I know, he's amazing", I grip him tighter around the waist and bury my head in the crook of his neck. "Love you", I whisper in his neck.

"I'm happy to be back", I sigh after talking for a while. "I'm happy that you're back", Louis replies. "Me too", grandpa nods.

"I'm tired", I yawn after my grandparents left.

"Then go to sleep, love. I'll get out of the bed so you can sleep properly", Louis gets out of the bed but I grab his waist.

"Come back here, you little teddy bear, cuddle me", I pout but he frowns. "Please?", I beg.

"Fine", he says and crawls back in the hospital bed. He wraps his arm around me and I rest my head on his chest, hugging his waist tightly. I smile as he holds me close.

"Thank you, Lou", I whisper.

"Of course, love. Now get some sleep, angel", I nod and I feel him press a kiss on my head. I smile slightly before falling asleep in my love's embrace, holding him close. My personal teddy bear.

"Haz, wake up, angel", I open my eyes and see Louis hanging above me. "Hi", I yawn, holding my hand in front of my mouth.

He presses a kiss on my nose and I giggle.

let's escape // larry stylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now