chapter 27

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Harry POV

It's 7am and I'm wide awake. I'm going on a vacation with Louis today, 5 days just him and me in London. I can't wait to leave, my bags are packed and I'm very excited.

After laying in bed for another while I decide to get up and take a shower, I sing along to a few of my favorite songs and when I'm done I wrap a towel around my waist.

When I walk in my bedroom I hear my phone, I got a text.

Love: Good morning Haz, are you up and ready to go?

Me: Hey sunshine. I've been wide awake since 7, just got out of the shower. I'm almost ready. It's not even 9 yet, what's the rush Tommo ;)

Love: Just checking if you're awake :)

Me: I could never forget our vacation Lou. I'm way too excited. Can't wait to wake up to your beautiful face for the next five days.

Love: There you go again, making me blush. I'm very excited too. I'll see you in an hour darling x

Me: I'll be waiting ;) xx

I sigh and walk to my closet, there isn't much in there since I packed pretty much all the clothes that are actually clean.

I decide to put on a pair of black jeans with a grey hoodie. I brush my hair and run downstairs with my bag over my shoulder.

"What's with the bag? Are you leaving?", Gemma asks when I enter the kitchen.

"Going on a holiday with Lou", I smile at her. I am really excited for this. "Oh, sounds great. Have fun you two", she says and my smile grows wider. "Thanks Gem."

I get myself a bowl of cereal and a cup of tea. I sit down next to Gemma and we both eat our breakfast in silence.

At 10am sharp the door bell rings. "Bye Gemma", I give her a quick hug before I walk towards the door. "Use protection!", she jokes and the blood flushes to my cheeks.

I open the door to see Louis with a small suitcase and a huge smile on his face. "Good morning angel", he kisses me softly on the lips. "Let's go."

He grabs my hand and I slam the door closed behind me. We walk to the train station and we have 30 minutes left before the train leaves.

"Lou? Do you want something from Starbucks?", I ask, I saw a Starbucks when we entered the train station and I'm thirsty.

"A cappuccino please", he says and I nod. "Alright, I'll be right back."

I walk to the store and see there's no one there, great, my turn right away.

"Hi, can I have two tall cappuccinos to go please?" I ask the lady behind the counter politely.

"Yes of course baby, what's your name handsome?", she replies and I'm very confused? What does she want?

"Um, Harry", I mutter. "Such a beautiful name Harry". I roll my eyes, she's annoying.

"That will be £15,70 please", I hand her some money and she gives me my change, touching my hand and winking at me.

"Two grand cappuccinos for handsome Harry", she says after waiting for a while. I walk to the counter to grab my order, she hands me a napkin.

"Call me later handsome Harry", her phone number is written on the napkin and I roll my eyes.

"I have a boyfriend", I say and her face changes from happy to disgusted in less than a second.

"Ew gays, that's disgusting", she exclaims and she pulls away the napkin from me.

These words used to hurt me so much, but now I don't care anymore, I'm happy.

I shrug, "I don't care what you think, I'm happy. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to drink these cappuccino's with my boyfriend. Goodbye."

"Hey, what took you so long?", Louis asks when I hand him a cappuccino.

"This girl was hitting on me", I take a sip of mine and Louis looks at me, "Oh".

I continue my story, "She gave me a napkin with her phone number. I told her I have a boyfriend, you should've seen her face", I laugh thinking of that face.

"She was disgusted."

"Oh", Louis says again, looking a bit hurt.

"You know? That used to hurt me but I don't care anymore. I got you by my side and I'm very happy. I wouldn't trade you for the world, I don't care about their opinions because I love you, that's all that matters."

His face lights up in a second.

"Yeah you're right. I love you", he leans in and kisses me passionately and he tastes like cappuccino.

We break our kiss when we hear a train arrive. Our train to London.

"Let's go", he grabs my hand and pulls me in the train. "London, here we come!"

I smile and I sit next to my boyfriend, I put my head on his shoulder and listen to his breaths as the train departs, we're on our way to London.

These next five days are gonna be great. With Louis by my side, nothing can stop me.


A/N, Hi. So sorry for not updating yesterday. I had a Latin test today and I had to study, I failed it anyway :)

So, to make up to you, there will be another chapter online later today. Probably in half an hour or so because I have to edit it first.

Much love, M.

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