Chapter 12 - Summerslam Part 1

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{Must Read ALL}

*Roman's P.O.V.*

"What happened last night ?" I asked my self still feeling the affects of a major headache.

I pulled the covers off of me and I screamed and jumped up. Dean was in my bed.

"What are you doing !?" I yelled waking him up.

"What !? I was sleep ! Remember you said I could stay here ?" he said.

"Dude, you gotta go before Seth comes !"

I couldn't remember everything, but I knew I never said he could stay. Maybe I did, but it didn't matter. I tried getting him out of bed, but he was still hungover (and so was I) from last night. The door opened and in walked Seth. I paused and imagined the rage he would be in seeing his enemy all over his fiancé.

"Really ? Again ? Again !?" he yelled.

He ran and speared both of us on to the bed, putting Dean in a headlock.

"Why do you keep doing this !? I should break your damn leg !" he said putting Dean in a single leg boston crab.

"My boyfriend won't like that." Dean said laughing.

"Seth wait ! I said he could stay over !" I said lying. "The guys came over and threw a bachelor party for me and he was wasted. I couldn't let him drive home. You can tell he's still wasted."

"And you were wasted too weren't you ?" he asked.

"No ! Why would you say that ?" I said trying to stand up straight.

"You're wearing my Batman underwear and you have one sock on." he said pointing at the underwear that I was stretching out.

*Seth's P.O.V.*

Dean's phone ranged on the floor, so I picked it up and answered it while Dean squirmed in bed.

"Seth ? Where's Dean at ?" Tyler asked.

"He's not 'himself' right now. How long are you two gonna keep this shitty boyfriend crap up ?" I asked.

"Whoa man calm down. I actually called to let Dean know I was in town to see him before the um, Royal Rumble pay per view."  he said.

"Oh. Well that's just perfect ! You can come by the arena and see him before the show."  I said giving him the address.

"Dean, get your ass up out of here ! Your boyfriend is almost to the arena to see you. I wanna see you two together. It's been forever." I said.

*Deans P.O.V.*

I made it to the arena to see Tyler, something I didn't expect. Now Seth will know we're not together. I had to pull something off quick.

"Look, we're not together." I said as I entered the arena and met Tyler.

"I know."

"And we have to break up when they come."  I said pulling him to the locker room.

"I know Dean ! You told me last night before you went to that party." he reminded me.

"Oh. Then this should be easy. But let's practice this shit so they'll believe it."


"Okay, calm it down a little bit." I said.

"No ! You lied to me way too much ! I can't trust you anymore !" he said as Seth and Roman walked in, but he didn't even realize it.

"I'm not going through this anymore. WE ARE DONE." he said before slapping me.

He turned around and was startled by Seth and Roman. He played it off well though.

"Sorry you guys had to witness that, but I'm done." he said fixing his clothes and walking out.

I just had a fake break up. What was I to do ? Follow up with Tyler play it off. I punched a locker and stormed out the opposite way.

*Roman's P.O.V.*

I was still in a few hours old hangover, so I couldn't believe me eyes ! Did Dean and Tyler just break up ? Or did I pass out again ?

"What happened ?" I asked sitting down.

"They broke up. They were really together." Seth said in shock. "I have to talk to Summer."

"I'll be in my locker room, trying to comprehend what the hell just happened." I told him. "Siri, Google search hangover cures." I said to my phone as I ran into the door trying to leave.

*Seth's P.O.V.*

"Summer, I feel so bad. I didn't know they were really together."

"It's over, it happened, all you can do is move on." she told me.

"I should really apologize. I was so mean and shitty to him."

"Why should you !? He's been all up on your man forever when he had his own. Now you know what kind of guy he really is. And you had nothing to do with their break up."  she said proving a point.

*Roman's P.O.V.*

My head was still pounding from the hangover. The worst one I ever had. Someone knocked on my door and it was Dean. He locked the door behind him as he walked in.

"Man, I am so sorry about you and Tyler. And I'm sorry Seth was such an ass to you."  I said apologizing as tears ran down his face.

"I loved him so much. I never cheated on him. I might have told a little white lie, but I never cheated on him." he said as I comforted him in my arms.

"You can stay in here as long as you want."  I told him.

"I don't have anyone now, I'm alone." he said after a while.

"You have me. I missed you man." I said out of nowhere.

He looked up at me and gave me a kiss. I was even more lost than before. What the hell was going on ? Why did I say that ? I had no control over him or even myself.

*Dean's P.O.V.*

One kiss wasn't enough. I was ready for the last step to end him and Seth: Seduction. I started making out with him hard, bouncing off the walls, rolling the floor and making our way back to our feet.

"What are we doing ?" he said in low soft tone.

"Something we should've done a long time ago." I said taking my shirt off and unbuttoning my pants.

I unbuttoned his pants and pulled them down. I slipped my index and middle fingers through the rim of his tight briefs and looked him in the eyes.

He just looked at me blankly and soon he gave me a kiss back. I had him hooked, hooked to the point where he prompt me on the dressed and spread my legs opened. He quickly went inside me as I moaned loud enough for the entire backstage area to hear me.

I smiled with every thrust he made. No matter how much it hurt, I couldn't help but say it felt so good and so right.


Roman. You messed up now. You're in so much trouble. I'm gonna cry

- SethieReigns

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