You did what?!

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                            Bendy's POV

I was washing my face in a bathroom sink, when I was confronted by a familiar face. This asshole brought me back to my brother once before, but this time it looked like he was going to kill me. He slammed me up against the wall, holding me by the shirt.
  "Did ya miss me?" He asked. 'Not particularly no' I thought. I became scared when he put a finger against my head, glowing bright blue with the energy to kill.
  "Don't worry, this will be quick and painless." He said meniacally. I threw a leg up, kicking him square in the balls. He fell to the ground, giving me a chance to get away.
  "YOU LITTLE SHIT!" He yelled. I heard a blast firing up, and I ducked as it flew right above me. Boris ran up to me, being chased. The same blast shot from my attacker, hit his companion. He rushed over, holding him close. He wailed, then stood up.
  "Did I say it was gonna be quick and painless? My bad.. I meant I WAS GONNA ENJOY TEARING YOU LIMB FROM LIMB!" He said, his eyes held fear, sadness, and anger, tears cascading out.

                              (Y/n)'s POV

I was at the bar, looking for an old friend of mine. I saw him, practically running up.
  "FELIX!" I yelled, and I spun around in his seat, seeing me.
  "(Y/n)! How are you, old friend?!" Felix said, wrapping his arms around me. I hugged back, letting go soon after.
  "I'm great! How are you?" I asked, sitting down next to him.
  "I'm doing great! Though this new book is taking forever." He said and I nodded. We both sat in silence, reading the newspaper. My ears swiveled back, hearing familiar voices. I turned around, seeing Mickey and Boris.
  "Hey guys!" I said, walking over. Boris gave me a small hug, blushing lightly. I heard a commotion behind me, whipping around once again. Ozzy had gone up to Felix, hugging him tightly. I knew that they didn't know each other, and my ears dropped in sadness as I realized what just happened. Poor Ozzy, he can't seem to get past in life without Ortensia. Mickey pulled him away, Felix blushed madly. Soon after, I sat back down next to Felix, another Familiar face walked up.
  "Hey Bendy! Nice to see you again!" I said, and he looked up at me, smiling. I gave him a small hug, sitting back down by a very lovestruck Felix.
  "Hey there, Felix right? I love your books." Bendy said, surprising me. He didn't seem like the type to read.
  "Wow! Thank you! I'm glad you do Mr....." Felix trailed off, not hearing his name a second ago.
  "Bendy!" Said demon replied.
  "Are those guys your friends? You know, the little mouse and.... The handsome bunny." Felix asked, and I giggled softly.
  "Nah, they just invited us for lunch for some reason. But they are (Y/n)'s friends..... Wait wh-" Bendy said, and Felix slammed his hands on the table, flustered.
  "N-NOTHING." He yelled.


As we were talking, the door was suddenly bursted open. Behind it was a very mad Cuphead. I tilted my head, getting up. Bendy grabbed my arm, pulling me away.
  "M-mister, is your brother okay?" Boris asked nervously. Mugman? What happened to him? Bendy pulled harder.
  "C'mon guys, we need to get out of here!" Bendy said. I pulled my arm away. Cuphead glared at the two, and they ran, Bendy fearfully watching me as he did so. Cuphead ran past me shooting his finger guns at the two.
  "CUPHEAD! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" I screamed at him, put he wasn't paying attention. He ran outside after the brothers, laughing like a maniac. I ran behind, going into flight as soon as I reached outside. Cuphead was gaining speed, when I dropped on him. He fell, and I pinned him as he thrashed under me.
  "RUN!" I yelled, having mixed emotions about this scenario. What was wrong with my brother? Why is he chasing these two? Why isn't he calming down? These questions ran through my head, when suddenly Cuphead threw me off, slamming me against the rough ground. He ran in the direction of Bendy and Boris, I pulled myself up, running after him. We came into another building, and I heard Cuphead speaking.
  "There's no need to hide you guys. I just wanna KILL you! That's all~ And I'm gonna enjoy it!" He said, making me sure that he had lost his mind. "I'LL FIND YOU! I ALWAYS DO! I'LL MAKE SURE YOU NEVER REST! NEVER!" He yelled, laughing once again. I was petrified of what my brother was doing. Why was he this way? What happened? Cuphead then started sobbing, falling to his knees. He broke down, wailing. I went to go comfort him, when he said something.
  "Alright Mugs, let's split up! I got the l-left, you get the right. No, m-my right y-you idiot! YAY TEAM WORK!" He yelled, his voice becoming shaky. My confusion turned to terror as he raised a finger to his head, a blast forming. I leapted at him, knocking him to the floor. He layed on his back, and I pinned his hand to where he couldn't hurt himself.
  "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING! ARE YOU MAD?!" I screamed, tears beginning to fall down my face.
  "Who am I kidding? I killed him, sis. I deserve to die." He said, tears flowing from his eyes. I backed up, realizing what this was about.
  "YOU DID WHAT?!" I screamed, not caring that Bendy and Boris were coming in the room.
  "I killed Mugman (Y/n)..... I killed him!" Cuphead cried out in anguish. I gripped my head, not wanting to believe. My heart shattered, and I crumpled in on myself, wailing as the pain and fear coursed through me. I felt a pair of hands lightly pet my spikes, and I looked up, seeing Boris. I wrapped my arms around him, shaking.

                            Bendy's POV

(Y/n) somehow knew Cuphead, but didn't know about what happened to his brother. I walked in, comforting the distressed Cuphead. He fell asleep in my arms, then I heard a wail. Looking up, I saw (Y/n) being held by Boris. I could tell she was trying hard not to hurt Boris with her claws, so I went up to them.
  "(Y/n), look at me." I said calmly. She looked up, pulling away from Boris. I wiped her tears away, pulling her closer to me.
  "Mugman is okay. He's in the hospital. But Cuphead needs to be there, and we need your help, okay? Please calm down, I'd hate seeing those sad tears ruin your pretty face." I said trying to calm her down. She smiled some, hugging me tightly.
  "Mugman's okay? You're not just saying that?" She asked softly.
  "I promise he's okay. Let's get Cuphead out of here." I said, standing up. (Y/n) singlehandedly carried Cuphead to the hospital, and the nurse led us to his brother's room, where she set him down on an empty bed.
  "Here you go miss. And please don't tell him about us when he wakes up." I said, handing her money. I looked over, seeing (Y/n) talking to the passed out Cuphead. I walked closer, hearing what she said.
  "Please don't ever do this again. If something happens, come to me. I'm your sister, that means you can trust me. I love you, Cuphead." She whispered, kissing his head gently. My jaw dropped. I walked up, grabbing her hand.
  "I know you want to stay here with them, but you need to rest. I'll bring you here myself tomorrow if you'd like." I said. She stood up, going over to Mugman and kissing his forehead, walking to me.
  "You're right, thank you Bendy." She said. We started walking towards the hotel we stayed at, when (Y/n) groaned.
  "What is it?" I asked.
  "I forgot to grab my keys off of Cuphead. Would you mind if I stayed at your hotel for tonight?" She asked. I blushed, looking to Boris. He nodded.
  "Yeah, that's fine."

BATIMQFTIM: Bendy x Reader (Oneshots Included Now)Where stories live. Discover now