Drunk Bendy

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                              (Y/n)'s POV

We spent most of the day wondering around, my brothers stayed in the hotel, sleeping the day away. We went to my house (having gotten keys from Cups) and got my phone. Bendy told me about the quest for the Ink Machine, and we agreed on letting me tag along. As night hit, Boris went back to the hotel room to watch a movie he's been wanting to watch. Bendy told be he was gonna go to the bar next door, and I decided to go with. I put some simple jewels on from my handbag, putting on eyeliner. Bendy had left before me, and I walked to the bar, searching for the little demon. I found him on a barstool, and I swooned a bit. He cleaned up incredibly well, rocking an outfit made for him.
  "Damn Bendy, I never knew you could clean up so well~" I said flirtatiously, getting a blush from said demon.
  "T-thanks, you look great (Y/n)!" He said, and I thanked him, sitting down. Bendy turned around, looking to the bartender.
  "One martini please! And make it snappy." Bendy said, smirking slightly. The bartender looked to me.
  "And for you, ma'am?" He asked.
  "Jack Daniels please." I said, sliding a bill for the both of us. Bendy looked at me in awe, to which I giggled.
  "When you have a competitive brother, you become tolerant to most alcohols." I told him, and he laughed. Some time after, Bendy looked over, seeing the two nurses from yesterday.
  "Oh! It's that cute nurse, and HELLO! Look at that hottie with her!" Bendy said under his breath. He got up, and I rolled my eyes, not even bothering to follow.
  "Classic Bendy." I muttered. I felt a bit jealous, having a growing a liking for the little devil. I let my head hang slightly, realizing that Bendy may not like me like I do him. I watched him talk to the ladies, hearing the conversation slightly with my sharp hearing.
  "Care to join us? We're waiting on my boyfriend to arrive!" Dovil said, and I began to giggle. Bendy made a noise, then cleared his throat.
  "S-sorry ma'am, but I have a friend I need to get back to. It was a pleasure to meet you though!" He said politely. I smiled, feeling a bit happier that he would come back to me. He waved, walking back to me. I had already gotten my drink, but was still waiting on Bendy's. He sat down next to me, groaning.
  "One has a boyfriend and the other one's fricken married! Why NOT." He growled. I sighed, taking a sip of my drink. The bartender came back with Bendy's drink, which he immediately downed. I could tell that he was sensitive to alcohol, because his face became a drunken red.
  "Why do I even try! It's not like I have a chance. Even if I did, I can't always be there for some girl, I'm gonna die soon anyway." He said, holding his head in a hand. My eyes widened, and I grabbed his shoulder, making him look at me.
  "You're wrong about that, Bendy. You're gonna be okay, if I have anything to say about it. You have a chance with anyone, they may just not like you in the same way. And if you find the right person, she'll be there for you too. I promise that you'll find that special someone, and I promise that you'll live to see it. For now, focus on yourself. You've been tearing yourself up taking care of your brother. I'm here, and I can help you." I said, and Bendy hugged me. He did for a bit too long, and I knew it was time to get him to bed. He leaned on me as I basically carried him to the room, letting him stumble to his little bro.
  "Back already?" Boris said, pausing the TV.
  "Yup." I said tiredly. Bendy flopped on to the bed with Boris, leaning on his back.
  "Ya know, when I'm cruzin' for chicks, I end up bein' all sad. Buuut whenevs I'm wis you, I feel allll happy again." Bendy slurred. I giggled at him, taking everything off me. I felt arms wrap around my waist, and a warm weight press into my lower back.
  "Annnnnd since you *hic* were nice to me, screw it! You be ma girl!" He said, and I blushed slightly.
  "Okay?" I said. He ran back to Boris, laying on his stomach.
  "Nevermind. You told me to focus on myself, so I'll just date myself..... Yay I'm gayyyyy." He slurred more. I laughed, and he looked to Boris.
  "Yeah, I know I'm drunk." He said. 'At least he knows' I thought. I layed down in bed, ready to sleep. I then felt a warm weight on top of me, and I opened my eyes. Now half asleep on my stomach, Bendy layed, head pressed into my chest. I blushed madly, but decided to leave him there, wrapping a wing around the sleeping demon. He soon fell asleep, my eyelids becoming heavy themselves. Boris looked over, seeing the position Bendy was in. He smirked, turning the light out.
  "I ship it."

BATIMQFTIM: Bendy x Reader (Oneshots Included Now)Where stories live. Discover now