Oswald x Reader

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(This'll be the last one for a bit I promise.)

                              (Y/n)'s POV

On the road we go. The crew piled in the van, and Mickey jumped in, popping his back.
  "Alrighty gang! I hooked up the trailer!" He said, buckling his seat belt. Donald drove, and I sat between Mickey and Oswald. Goofy sat in the front, already half asleep.
  "Alright. We may hit some bad weather, so just be prepared to be my eyes." Donald said, taking off. The girls (Minnie and Daisy) were watching over the kids for now, since this trip was a bit long for the little cuties. As time dragged on in the car, we all began to doze off some, besides me and Donald, who watched the road. Ozzy resituated himself, resting his head on mine. I blushed, but patted his cheek and let him rest. Mickey fell asleep too, using my jacket that I let him have as I pillow. Little tunes played on the radio, some of which I hummed to. Oswald kept me warm, eventually moving to rest his head in the crook of my neck. Donald looked at me in the review mirror, smirking. I glared, and he chuckled softly as he watched the road. We soon hit a storm, and Ozzy jolted, sitting straight up. He seemed to shake a bit, eyes wide. I cocked my head, and he gripped my hand, locking our fingers.
  "Are you alright, Ozzy?" I asked him, and Donald chuckled.
  "Bun bun back there is scared of thunderstorms. Has been since we met." He said, snickering. I looked to said rabbit for confirmation, and he nodded.
  "I had a family member be in critical condition from a strike." He said softly. I squeezed his hand, then moved it to lay down a stray hair. He closed his eyes, but he still shook slightly.
  "I'm sorry to hear that. Though there's nothing to be afraid of. Don't worry." I reassured him, scratching his ear. He sighed, and I leaned into him, holding his hand again.
  "You might as well sit in his lap. You're gonna have to here in a minute anyway." Donald said, laughing under his breath. We both blushed, and I glared at the duck.
  "Why?" I asked, noticed that we pulled into  a gas station.
  "It's about to hail, for one, and Max is coming is coming with this time. Your guy's shit takes up the back seat, so yeah." He said. I looked to Oswald, who waved a hand. I unbuckled myself, seeing Max walking towards the car with his jacket up over his head. Oswald did the same, and I stood enough to let him move. I sat in his lap (really just between his legs), still blushing profusely as we got comfortable. Max opened the door, putting his now wet jacket on the floor board.
  "Hey mini Goof." Donald said, and I waved.
  "Hey guys, at least you three are up. I might sleep too, now that I don't have to drive." He said, yawning. We laughed, then stopped as we heard a noise. Loud clanking sounds came from outside, and I looked. We stayed under the gas pump area, seeing pieces of hail raining from the sky. Oswald stiffened, and I grabbed his hands, putting them around me. He moved a bit, sitting to rest his head on the back of my neck. His arms fully came around me, and he rested his head on my neck. Max watched outside, the others stayed in their deep sleep. I felt Ozzy shaking behind me, and I turned my head, placing a small kiss on his cheek. He relaxed, and I leaned back, resting against him. He was warm, and I chuckled as his ears flopped on my head. He laughed too, raising them up to bap my head again. The car started moving, and I noticed the hail had stopped. Donald muttered something, and out into the storm we went. Most of the trip was quiet, until we hit a severe area.
  "It's getting a bit worse. (Y/n), could you be my helper?" Donald asked, and I nodded. Traffic slowed down, the rain was relentless. I watched all around us, warning Donald of anything I saw. Thunder boomed, and the sleeping crew, now including Max, stayed asleep. Ozzy jolted every time the lighting shook the road, and I comforted him by singing small songs and rubbing his arms. As the rain slowed, we got back to a normal pace, and I leaned against Ozzy again. I began to doze off, and a hand ran through my hair, coaxing me to give in. I turned my head slightly, resting against Oswald's chest. He kept running his fingers through my hair, and his other hand held me as I relaxed in his lap.
  "Thanks for comforting me, you helped a lot." He whispered in my ear, nuzzling my head.
  "It's no problem. You owe me your warmth." I whispered, and he chuckled. He rested a hand on my thigh, rubbing it. My eyes met his as I turned more, and he kissed me softly. My heart fluttered, and I shivered as he kissed my neck. I was a mess, bright red and panting. Ozzy smirked, moving my hair to nuzzle my neck. I sighed happily, holding Ozzy's hands.
  "Goodnight, my love." He whispered, beginning to fall asleep.
  "Goodnight hun."

BATIMQFTIM: Bendy x Reader (Oneshots Included Now)Where stories live. Discover now