This match will get Red Hot

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                               (Y/n)'s POV

  "Finally, some sunlight!" Boris said. I opened my good wing some, enjoying the warmth of it.
  "At least we found an exit, I hope." Felix said, looking around.
  "You were definitely right about the boulder spiders, Felix." I said, noticing the eaten parts laying around as we walked.
  "But hey! Maybe whatever did this died long ago. That can be a theory." Felix said nervously. I went to one of the dead boulder spiders, inspecting it.
  "I don't know, some of these are fresh." I said, walking back up to the group. Boris held the map, and he stopped walking, looking at it.
  "Gosh, it looks like it's just up ahead! This is it guys.." Boris said, and both Felix and I shushed him. In the open cave ahead, was a large mermaid like creature, chowing down on the boulder spiders. She was huge, taking up a small portion of the cave.
  "Who, or what is she Felix?" Boris asked as we all crouched behind the small wall of rocks.
  "Bendy, focus!" Felix hissed at Bendy, and Bendy apologized, walking over to me.
  "That's why that symbol was familiar, Feel. It's the high sea mermaid!" I said. Felix nodded.
  "I guess I didn't recognize it because she was in her sleeping form. But like the boulder spiders, why is she giant?" Felix asked himself.
  "How are gonna get around her?" I asked.
  "I don't think we need to go around her..... The part is in her head!" Boris said. Felix sighed, and I walked over, patting his back.
  "Why do we have to kill such a magnificent creature?" Felix asked sadly.
  "Better question is, how are we doing that shit?" Cuphead asked.
  "Shoot it, Cup." I said, and he turned to Mugs.
  "Yeah you go ahead and shoot, I believe in you bro!" He said.
  "Cup!" I pushed, and Cuphead looked away. I cocked my head, confused by his actions. Bendy suddenly had a look of realization, then walked over to him.
  "Why you lookin' at me like that?" Cuphead asked the demon. Bendy laughed, looking to the taller form.
  "No need to give up on your powers, Cup! You're not gonna hurt your brother again if you care about him so much!" Bendy said, and my ears layed back. So that's what this was about. Cuphead gave him a look of surprise. He then blushed, and Mugman ran up to him, followed by me.
  "Aww, Cuppy!" We said in unison, hugging our brother. My tail wagged as he hugged us both, letting go of his tsundere attitude. We let go, and I stayed with Cup as Mugman walked back to Boris.
  "You could have told me, little bro. Then I wouldn't be so confused." I said, patting his cheek lightly. He leaned into it, nodding.
  "I'm sorry sis, I should have told both of you." He said, and I nodded. I went to Felix, leaning against the rocks.
  "So, he likes 'em big? Hehe." Cuphead asked Boris, pointing to the wolf's brother.
  "Those are his favorite." He said. I giggled slightly, face palming. Felix noticed something, his ears laying back in surprise.
  "Sorry to ruin you guys's moment, but you need to see this Cuphead!" Felix said. I looked over the rocks, ears laying back like Felix's.
  "Jackpot!" Cuphead yelled.
  "Holy fuck, Jackpot." I said, seeing Cuphead climb over the rocks. The mermaid reached a hand down, going to pick up the little furball. Cuphead threw a rock hitting her hand. She reeled back, rubbing her hand.
  "Jackpot! Come here little guy." Cuphead said, holding his hand out. The little cat ran back to Cuphead, but not long after, the mermaid lunged, letting out a terrifyingly high pitched roar. I flung myself forward, clawing at the mermaid's hand. One of the snake like hair things grabbed me, wrapping tightly around my waist. Suddenly, a huge boulder slammed into her face, making her drop me. Looking, I saw Bendy, huffing from the effort. I ran to him, holding him up.
  "Thanks, Bendy. I owe you." I told Bendy. He hugged me suddenly, pulling me down to his level.
  "Be safe out there, (Y/n)." He said, kissing my forehead.
  "You too Bendy." I said, repeating his action. Mugman pointed a finger guns at the mermaid, readying a shot.
  "Back off, monster!" He shouted, firing pea shots at it. I ran to them, standing in a fighting position. I summoned fire, seeing in encase my hands. I threw some at the mermaid, making her back up more.
  "Keep it up guys!" I heard Felix yell, when suddenly something ran past us, wrestling with the beast. It was Bendy! But he looked, different..... He jumped, landing next to Felix and I. Bendy was now taller than me, with a intimidating look.
  "That's so.... COOL!" Mugs said, running over.
  "Bendy, is that really you?" Cuphead asked, standing protectively in front of our little brother.
  "Aww, look at you down there. I guess that would explain your SHORT temper." Bendy said, patting my brother's head. We looked at him, confused.
  "I wish this was real. Sorry ladies,I'd love to stay and chat, but I've got to show this bitch who's boss." Bendy said, lunging at the mermaid once more. I went with him, using his back to fling myself onto the creature. She roared, trying to get us off. As a hand came closer to me, I clawed at it, going straight through a finger. She yelled, pulling her hand away.
  "Nice one (Y/n)! A little help would be nice." Bendy yelled, being grabbed by the tail. I leapt at the hand, breathing fire once I got close enough. The mermaid roared once more, letting go of Bendy's tail. He flung himself to the ground, grinning as the beast stared back. A snake hair poised to attack, and I threw myself forward with my good wing.
  "Bendy! Look out!" Cuphead yelled.
  "Bendy! DUCK!" Mugman screamed, firing at the snake. Bendy ducked, as I landed on top of him, getting him down farther from the beam. The mermaid crawled quickly around us, going for my brothers. I ran, terrified that I wouldn't make it in time. I didn't, and Mugman shoved Cuphead away. Our little brother was not there when she pulled back, and there was a blue glow coming from her mouth.
  "Did you just, EAT MUGMAN!" Cuphead screamed. I got in front of Cuphead, on all fours and about to be incredibly pissed off.
  "SPIT MY BROTHER OUT, YOU BITCH!" I roared, slamming huge fireballs into her. Cuphead went over me, going to the monster's mouth. I grabbed the snake hair, pulling with what strength I had.
  "Open up!" He yelled desperately, prying at it's teeth. Bendy was on the monster's head, clawing at any spot he could. 'Mugman, please be okay, we need you!' I thought, frustrated tears ran down my face. Cuphead backed up, ripping off the bandage over his eye. I roared loudly, loosing grip on the snakes. The mermaid, rose up, and I fell back, unable to hold on to the hair. She roared, angered.
  "Mugman! I'll save you!" Boris screamed, running up. Cuphead stopped him, wrapping an arm around his head. They talked, when I decided I needed to end this. Ripping the bandage off, I spread my wings, ignoring the incredible amount of pain my fractured wing was.
  "(Y/n)! What are you doing?!" Felix yelled.
  "I'm ending this!" I yelled, throwing myself into flight. So. Much. Pain. I ignored it, throwing fireballs anywhere Bendy wasn't. Suddenly, the creature flung her head back, crumbling to pieces. Bendy smacked into me, and he convulsed. I tried to carry him, but his weight was too much, and we fell. Flapping my wings frantically, I roared in agony at the popping and tearing of my wing.
  "BENDY! (Y/N)!" I heard Boris and Cuphead yell. Suddenly, a raft appeared under us, thank you Felix. I didn't slow our fall enough, and passed out on impact. Suddenly, I woke up, covered in ink. I coughed, sitting up. Felix came to my side, cradling my head.
  "(Y/n), you're okay, I've got you." Felix said. I groaned, getting up.
  "I've got to help Cuphead, I need to save Mugman." I said, and Felix let me go to Cuphead, not arguing as he helped a still passed out Bendy.
  "Sis, you're okay!" Cuphead said, hugging me softly, not caring that he got ink on him. He let go, and he looked to the crumbling mermaid. I turned around, limping over to Bendy as he coughed, waking up.
  "Boris." He whispered. The three of us hugged him, making him blush. He saw me as we pulled away, and he grabbed me, inspecting my injuries.
  "(Y/n), what happened?!" He asked, concerned. I went to say something, then my brother noticed Bendy's awakeness.
  "Rise and shine bud! We've got one more soul to save!" He said.
  "Cups!" Bendy said happily.
  "Why'd you change back so soon? You were really cool in your other form." Cuphead said, and Bendy tilted his head, confused.
  "Well, I still need help." Cuphead said, seeing the same thing I did. The mermaid was gone, but her head was alive and floating.
  "When did that happen?" Boris questioned, and I walked to Cuphead, ready to fight again. Suddenly, Mugman and a figure, fell from the head, and I ran, already knowing what to do. My wings burst open, still very much in pain. I caught my brother, and the person with him. As I quickly made my way to the small beach, I dropped them on to the ground, slamming into the warm sand.
  "(Y/n)!" I heard Bendy yell, coming to my aid. I groaned, not wanting to move. He slid down beside me, cradling my head like Felix did. Pain coursed through my body, and I began to sob.
  "(Y/n), you're hurt, bad." Bendy said, wiping the tears spilling from my eyes. I forced myself to get up, gasping in the process.
  "I know, but we have other matters at hand." I said, seeing the beast's head crumble, a piece slamming to the ground.

BATIMQFTIM: Bendy x Reader (Oneshots Included Now)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora