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(Such a beautiful picture 😍)

                              (Y/n)'s POV

Bendy held my hand as we walked along the trail, allowing my tail to keep me balanced. Cuphead walked on my other side, closing his eyes as the warm sun shined on us. It had been a few hours before anyone said anything, and we were walking down hill.
  "Hey guys! The map says there's another piece around here!" Boris said, running along a small, barely visible trail. We followed behind, walking in single file. Boris led with Mugman close behind, Cuphead and I next, with Bendy and Felix keeping up the rear. Bendy held my tail, and we came to a large, open area. A bluff line stood next to us, and I got on all fours as I looked over it. A huge, 40 foot drop led to a absolutely gorgeous water hole. A thin trail led to the bottom, I was so gonna go down there later. Bendy got on my back, holding tightly on to me as he looked too.
  "Wow!" Felix breathed, laying down next to me. I looked to the young wolf, walking over.
  "There appears to be a cave somewhere over here, it's in it." He said, and Bendy looked, going in the direction that he saw. We neared a cave, and Cups tapped my shoulder.
  "Wanna shed some light on the subject?" He asked. I giggled, summoning a small flame to my hand. I dearly wished I didn't. Inside was a huge boulder spider, sleeping heavily.
  "Where is the piece?" I asked in a low whisper, trying not to wake the beast. Boris pointed with a shaky hand to the spider.
  "It's behind it." He whispered.
  "Alright. You guys stay here, I'll go in." I said, and Bendy stopped me.
  "Let me go with you, just in case." He said, holding my hand. I shook my head, kissing his hand.
  "She's the quietest of the group, Bendy. Let her go." Felix whispered, Bendy nodded after a second. I turned, tiptoeing around the giant creature, and over it's long limbs. I let my tail drop at the last leg, but much too soon. It thumped against the rough skin of the spider, and I heard it wake. It stood up, turning to me.
  "RUN!" I screamed, not moving from the spot where I stood. I had a stare down with the beast's multiple eyes, listening as it slowly stalked towards me.
  "(Y/n)!" I heard Mugman cry out. The spider turned to the noise, and I panicked as it walked towards them. It made growling noises, shaking the ground as it walked. I ran in front of it, roaring to get it's attention. It let out a shriek, barreling towards me. I stood my ground, clawing at it's face. My claws tore a deep gash along it's head, dark red blood dripped on the ground. I blue blast hit it, along with several rocks. I took the advantage of it's diverted attention, leaping onto it's back, clawing harshly. It roared in anger, and I snarled back, keeping a strong grip as it desperately tried to thrash me off. A few slashed later, I hit a spot, and it collapsed, dead. I panted heavily, crawling off the beast. Cuphead immediately hugged me, as did basically the entire group.
  "God, (Y/n). Why must you always get into deep shit?" Cups asked, and I laughed.
  "I don't know, because you two don't?" I said, and the group laughed.
  "Good job (Y/n), just don't do that again."I heard Felix say, feeling his fluffy paw against my back. I laughed, then pulled away from the group.
  "Alright guys, break it up. I don't want to get gross spider blood on you." I said, and I looked to the water hole.
  "We should go check that out." Cups said, and Boris ran over.
  "Sounds good. Look at this." Boris said, holding out a wrench. He spun around, and Mugs slipped it into his backpack. We followed the trail to the water, and it looked absolutely beautiful. I walked up to the water, cleaning the blood from my claws as I looked around. Bendy walked up, splashing some water on my arms to help clean me up. I smirked, flicking water in his face with my tail. He smiled playfully, dipping his tail in the water.
  "Why you little-" he said, flicking water at me. I then saw Felix in his swim trunks, leaping into the water. Bendy blushed at the half naked cat, and I roared with laughter. Felix's head poked up out of the water, and he smiled.
  "The water's fine! Come join me!" He said, swimming around. I bounded in, diving under when I couldn't touch. Cuphead stripped himself, floating around in his black boxers. The others did too, besides Bendy.
  "You alright Bendy? You haven't even gotten all the way in." I asked, and he looked away with an embarrassed expression.
  "I-i.... can't swim." He said, and I went to him.
  "That's okay. I can teach you!" I said, and he nodded, beginning to take off his shirt. It was fine when the others did it, but Bendy...... Shut up my filthy mind. He got in the water, gripping on to to me as the mud beneath him went away. I held him, floating on my back with him on me.
  "That's a first, the midget can't swim." Cups teased, and I shot him a look.
  "Do you trust me?" I asked Bendy.
  "Of course I do. Why do you ask?" He questioned.
  "I'm gonna let my body sink, and I need you to try to swim. Just lightly kick your legs, and wave your arms. I'll be right here if you need me, alright?" I asked, and he gave me a scared expression.
  "But what if I sink? What if I-" he began, and I kissed him lightly.
  "I'll be right here, don't worry." I said, and he calmed a bit. He nodded, and a let my body go down, staying afloat by my wings. Bendy then did as I instructed, kicking his legs and moving his arms. He got into a rhythm, mirroring my movements. Boris cheered as he swam around, and Bendy laughed joyously.
  "See? It wasn't so bad. You're doing great!" I cheered, swimming in circles around him. Boris began to teach him more as I swam underwater with Felix, being a living torpedo as we played tag. I then got an idea as Felix rested, and I swam to Cups. I went up behind him, poking both of his sides. He jolted, yelping as he whipped around. I surfaced, filling my mouth with water. He glared, blushing in embarrassment. I chuckled, spraying him in the water from my mouth. He made disgusted noises, trying to stop me.
  "Agh! Sis! Gross!" He shouted, splashing me. The group laughed, and he smirked.
  "You're gonna pay for that." He said, leaping at me. I evaded him, splashing him. He growled, splashing me. I shook, and he grabbed me from behind. I kicked, wiggling in his grasp. He chuckled, then moved me around.
  "Noogie time!" He yelled, doing that. I squealed, smacking him with my arms and wings.
  "No! Don't noogie the dragon! Bad bro! Bad!" I yelped, and the others laughed. I sighed as he let me go, rubbing my now sore head. I flicked Cuphead with my tail, and he gave me a side hug as I glared.
  "Sorry sis! I couldn't resist. I love ya tho!" He said, and I grumbled, kissing his cheek.
  "Love ya too, dumbass."

BATIMQFTIM: Bendy x Reader (Oneshots Included Now)Where stories live. Discover now