TLTH Chapter Twenty-One

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This Love, This Hate

Chapter Twenty-One

                “Do you want to go back home yet?” Zoe asked hesitantly as she and Jesse got into her car.

                “Depends whether you’d fancy my honest answer or not.” Jesse replied vaguely as she began to drive down the street.

                “I would prefer honesty,” Zoe noted as she made her way towards the park they stopped at the first day they’d met when Jesse screamed like a madman atop the playground equipment about love.

                “Honestly, I’d love a cigarette. Do you smoke?” Jesse admitted with an immense sigh.

                Zoe’s mind went to her Newports that she always had on her and had yet to even pull out around anyone here yet other than her family. “Yeah, I do.” Zoe confessed with a small smile, finding a place to park along the street near the park and cutting off the engine.

                They got out and walked together to sit on top of the picnic table and Jesse watched intently as Zoe pulled out her pack and lighter and lit each of them up. Zoe inhaled deeply and held it, allowing her eyes to flutter shut as she enjoyed the relaxing release nicotine brought her. She hadn’t had a cigarette all day and it was very welcome after being in Jesse’s old place.

                “You become more and more amazing every day.” Jesse complimented, taking a drag of his cigarette and smiling slowly, “God, I’ve missed this.”

                “I bum them off mom. She buys them by the carton and never keeps track.” Zoe explained while she flicked the bottom and watched the ash trickle down into the grass. “Do you know what Raine thinks of it?”

                “No, sorry dear. She and I barely knew each other until you came along.” Jesse denied, glancing at the playground ahead of them and half-smiling at the memory. “What are you two, anyway?”

                “We…we haven’t decided.” Zoe admitted a little ashamedly.


                “Zoe, you’re back!” Raine gushed, running up to meet Zoe and Jesse as they got out of Zoe’s car. Zoe chuckled and held her small frame close, despite the fact that she was soaking wet with pool water.

                “Well aren’t you happy to see me?” Zoe mused with a chuckle as Raine pulled away and moved in to hug Jesse with slightly less enthusiasm.

                “So there’s a party at Cierrah’s beach house tonight and you two and Malarie are definitely coming.” Raine commented happily as she made her way back towards the pool and Missy and Malarie came into view. “Zoe, play nice.”

                “Oh, I always play nice.” Zoe stated sarcastically, “Who the hell is Cierrah?”

                “My co-head!” Raine clued in as if it was blatantly obvious.

                “Your what?” Jesse and Zoe challenged in unison.

                “I’m head of the cheerleading squad and she is my second in command. I thought you guys knew that?” Raine elaborated while Zoe stared uncomfortably at Missy floating around in her pool like she belonged there in a black bikini while the sun reflected off of her dangling naval piercing. Jesus, she and Raine probably went and got them together. Just the thought of it made Zoe want to slap her. She would definitely have to work at getting along or as Raine said ‘playing nice’ with her.

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