Chapter 2

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After breakfast, Knock disappeared outside for ages. I watched him as he talked on phone; sometimes smiling and laughing, chain-smoking the whole time. He must have been talking to his girlfriend. Oh, why is this unpleasant lump sitting on my heart and making me feel so upset? I was feeling lonely and abandoned, so I took out my smartphone. I'm newly single, having just recently broken up with my previous girlfriend, Dream. That situation was entirely my fault, I didn't take care of her or look after her the way a good boyfriend should.

My phone chimed as I got a message notification. I'd gotten a text on LINE from Yiwha.

That lady and I are close friends and we're studying at the same university. Knock knows her too; for the longest time he mistakenly thought Yiwha was my girlfriend. Yiwha straightened him out pretty quick, saying in no uncertain terms that pale muscular guys like me are not her type. She prefers professional, polished looking men with a sharp features, i.e, totally not me.

Yiwha: Where are you?

Me: Probably in your heart

Yiwha: Do you want to die?

Me: Hahaha... I'm in Amphawa!

Yiwha: What're you doing there?

Me: Visiting the market, going to see my folks.

Yiwha: I've got good news, I am going to Amphawa too, hahaha! Aren't you happy?

Me: Why the fuck are you coming here?

Yiwha: Just be happy, damn it Korn!

I sent a smile emoji to my honorable lady. She must have learned our whereabouts from our friends. This lady just wants to squander my money, but it doesn't matter. She is my confidante, my closest friend. And to me, friends will always be more important than money.

"Who are you texting with? You seemed to be having so much fun just now." Knock sauntered back into the room from outside and sat down next to me.

"I was just chatting with Yiwha a bit."

"What were you talking about?" he asked, with a suspicious, gossipy look. "Do you like her?"

"No, I don't like her, not like how you mean anyway. She's like my sister." I said straightforwardly then asked, "Why are you asking, did you develop a crush on her or something?"

Even though I already knew what he would say, I still asked him. Knock just laughed at me.

"You know I'm with Pleng now. Are you going to come home with me? Because Pleng is coming over later, we're going to my folks place." Knock's words gave me an uncomfortable, queasy feeling. I just slept with him last night. I can't pretend that I don't have any feelings about that. I can't be like him, and act like nothing happened.

"Eh, whatever you want. I've gotta get home too, Yiwha is on her way."

"Coming HERE? To see you?"

"Yeah." I responded briefly.

"Where's she staying?" he asked again.

"My place, just like how Pleng is staying with you!" I stated matter-of-factly, then stood up with awkward swiftness and walked out the door.

"Hey, where are you going?" Knock yelled after me, looking totally oblivious.

"Out for a smoke." I answered quietly, then stepped out of the room, not wanting to look at the man sitting behind me who seemed to not understand how awkward his questions were making me feel.

"The fuck is wrong with him? Why is he so pissed?" I heard Knock muttering to himself as I shut the door behind me.

Yeah, why am I pissed??!!

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