Chapter 29

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E/N: I apologize for the delay. My immediate work junior's father passed away unexpectedly, and I've needed to take on more hours at work than I originally planned. I still have the same days off, but I'm too exhausted after my shifts to think clearly enough to write properly most of the time. With the Christmas holiday approaching, things may become more sporadic so please be patient with me.  I'll try to have the next installment posted in two weeks time.

Also, I sympathise with Knock in this chapter. He's really just trying to do the right thing and be a good human being. I understand Yiwha's suspicions, but seriously, girl what if that had been you? Wouldn't you be terrified and relieved as fuck if  you were rescued under the same circumstances?  I'm just saying, that no matter how this debacle plays out, I still feel that Knock did the right thing, the thing than any decent human being should do!

 Yiwha threw open the door without bothering to knock, and I kicked Korn's shoulder instinctively, so that he fell over backwards away from me. The force of it knocked him off the sofa and he landed on the floor on his hands and knees with a loud thud. 

"Ouch! Do you really love me? That hurt!!"

Yiwha snickered at my reaction. I was embarrassed, but you had to admit the situation was pretty funny. I reached out to help him up.

"Come on, lemme help."

He slapped my hand away and stood up, then tackled me and ousted me from the couch.

It was my turn to fall on the floor with a deafening thud. "Ouch!! That hurts!!" I shouted.

"Turnabout is fair play!" Korn replied, smirking like the villain from soap opera.

I threw a pillow at his face and hid behind Yiwha before he had a chance to counterattack, causing the retaliating pillow to smack her right in the face.

Both of us burst out laughing, but Yiwha exploded at us in frustration and anger.

"You crazy fuckers! You dare hit me after messing around shamelessly in the living room, very well!"

She attacked us both, slamming us both in the face and the back of the head. We weren't about to take that beating even from Yiwha, smacking eachother with the pillows until they started to tear and the stuffing was poking out. 

We went out in the evening  specifically for an Amphawa specialty; spicy shrimp paste, and tuna and tofu minced meat soup, both delicious and affordable. Afterwards, we went back to Korn's house and chatted for a while before Yiwha retired to the guest room. We stayed awake late just talking about all kinds of random things, until we couldn't keep our eyes open any longer. We curled up together on the pull-out sofa bed, the night breeze blowing in through the open windows keeping us cool without the need for a fan. 

We stared silently at the ceiling in the dark, the moonlight shining in from outside. A serenade of insect song drifted in along with the moonlight. Many people wouldn't be able to appreciate this style of provincial living but we'd grown up with it, so it was familiar and comfortable to us. 

"How long do you think we will be together?" Korn asked suddenly, his voice thoughtful.

"How should I know? I can't see the future. Who knows what could happen tomorrow?" I scoffed before continuing. "It will probably last as long as we don't get bored and start fighting. The golden principle of relationships are sex, love and care. So, we should be fine as we still love each other."

"Very true." Korn admitted.


"I've never really been serious about anyone before you, though. You know I'm a man of loyalty. It's probably because I have a sister, so I've never been tempted to cheat on a girl even if I wasn't serious; just like how I would never allow anyone to cheat on my sis." Korn's tone was calm, serious. He folded his arms under his head.

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