Zen's Party

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A guy opened the door and he smiled once he saw us. He stumbled a bit and I could already tell he was shit faced drunk. The party had just began and this guy was already drunk, I couldn't believe this.

"Come in ladies," the boy slurred.

Emma and I looked at each then walked into the party. The smell of alcohol reeked throughout the room and I cringed in disgust. I looked around the party and noticed that there was a lot of people that showed up. The people here were either drinking, dancing to the music or kissing. Emma spotted Zen coming towards us with a big smile on his face.

"Hey guys, hope you enjoy the party and if you want to have sex there's a spare room," he told us.

"We won't," I blurted out.

He laughed,"You're funny Stella."

His eyes moved over to Emma's and looked at her from head to toe. He licked his lips and smiled at her. I guess Zen was attracted to Emma.

"Would you like to dance?" He asked her.

"Thought you'd never ask," Emma smiled.

As they headed to the dance floor Emma turned back and winked at me. I was all alone so I decide to head to the drink bar. I ordered two shots of vodka which didn't taste so bad, so I decided to have another one. I saw James talking to a group of guys, which I'm guessing was his friends. A girl was tightly holding onto his arm. She had straight natural red hair. Her clothes were skimpy, her silver silk dress was so short that it she were to bend down her whole ass would be on show. James' guy friends left, leaving her and him alone.

James and the girl began to make out and I wanted to vomit. I decided to order another shot. The girl's friend came and stole her away leaving James alone. James looked around the party and his eyes landed on mine. My eyes slightly widened and I ordered another vodka shot to drink. James walked over to me and I quickly observed his outfit. He was wearing a grey shirt and blue jeans with black sneakers. I hated to admit it but he looked hot. I'm sure that was the liquor talking.

"Hey, are you having fun?" He asked with a smile on his face.

I giggled,"Yes."

"Are you drunk?" He asked, concern written all over his face.

I stumbled a bit,"I only had like 3 or 4 shot of vodka it's no big deal. I noticed you brought a date. What happened to Sophie?"

"I lied, Sophie is one of my friends that's dating my best friend Austin," he answered.

"I figured," I slurred.

"The girl I'm with is this girl I've been seeing, Cynthia."

My eyes slightly widened once he said the girl's name. Cynthia was the girl from the library with the bitchy friends. Gosh could James ever pick good girls? She's literally the definition of a bitch. I'm not surprised James was with a girl, he was a player after all.

I watched James listen to the loud music with a drink in his hand. My eyes moved from his body up to his face. His jawline was sharp and his dark brown hair is messy. I couldn't stop myself from continuing to stare at James. He had the kind of face that stopped you in your tracks. Although he was a player and a jerk I couldn't deny how good looking he's looking right now. His dark brown eyes snapped to mine and I moved closer to him. I examined his face and brought my lips to his, but he held me in place.

"You bitch!" I heard and opened my eyes to see none other than an angry Cynthia with her best friend Savannah.

I moved back from James and meet his eyes. His eyes stayed on mine and I could see his face written with confusion, as to why I almost kissed him. If I'm being honest I don't know why I was going to that in the first place. My eyes snapped over to Cynthia who had her fist clenched and was talking to Savannah. Her body turned to face me and glared.

"You think you can just kiss my man like that without me seeing?!" She yelled in my face.

"I-," I opened my mouth.

Cynthia cut me off,"Don't even talk! You're not getting away with this."

I furrowed my eyes at what she meant by I'm not getting away with this. The next thing I knew Cynthia slapped me leaving a sting to my right cheek. That bitch! I punched Cynthia in her face causing her to drop to the floor. Savannah tried to slap me but I grabbed her wrist and twisted it. I guess taking karate when I was younger would come in handy. Cynthia got up and jumped on me sending us both to the floor.

"Guys stop fighting!" Zen yelled.

We rolled on the floor and pulled each other's hair. I clawed at Cynthia's face and got a few hits on her while she tried to hit me. Let me tell you, she was not a good fighter. A couple of guys broke us apart. I stood up and saw the damage I did to Cynthia. She has a few cuts and a bruise from my punch on her face, her hair is all over the place, and her dress is almost slipping off.

My sight began to get blurry. I looked around the party for Emma so we could leave but I couldn't seem to find her. I winced and touched my head, feeling dizzy. I stumbled a bit and felt my eyes starting to close close. The next thing I knew, I feel into a deep slumber.

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