Coffee House

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As I left dance class, Stephanie called out me name making me halt. My eyes moved from Stephanie, to Elena, then to the rest of the girls behind them. I raised my eyebrow at them wondering where they were going.

"We're going to have lunch at Lil Bistro's down the road. Do you want to come with us?" Stephanie asked.

Before I could answer my phone in hand buzzed. I looked at my phone to see that Dylan had texting me saying to come to Coffee House. I pulled my eyes away from my phone and looked at Stephanie.

"Im sorry I can't I have plans," I replied.

She smiled,"Maybe next time."

"Yeah next time," I said back to her.

I turned around and walked to my car. I looked back at my phone to see that Dylan sent me the address to Coffee House. I hope Dylan didn't invite me to Coffee House for a waste of time. I was really hoping to watch Netflix when I finished dance class. I started my car and followed the direction that Dylan had sent me. Once I arrived to the destination I parked my car in front of the place.

I entered in the Coffee House and looked around for Dylan yet he was no where in sight. Since the Coffee House had a black exterior, the interior inside was bright. There were many wooden tables with black chairs scattered around, along the windows were booths, to the left was the coffee bar, and to the right is a small stage. The small stage already had a mic set up and a wooden stool.

As I looked back at the coffee bar my first attraction was the baked goods. They were tidily placed on the transparent glass cabinet, lining up and waiting for me to eat them all. There were many different types of cakes such as blueberry cheesecake, loafs, and cookies. Up above near the ceiling of the bar, there were different kind of packed coffee beans packed in white bags. The whole setting allowed costumers to look at everything and pick what they wanted to eat.

The lights in the Coffee House dimmed. I looked around, confused yet interested in what was going on. I watched a guy walk up to the stage with a big smile on his face. He grabbed the mic from its hold and tapped it, causing all eyes to fall onto him. I took a seat in an empty booth right beside the window.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have a special guest tonight singing his original piece Fallin' All In You. Give it up for Dylan Maxwell!"

Everyone cheered for Dylan as he came out. My eyes stared at his guitar in his right hand. I guess now I knew why he wanted me here, he was going to sing. I've always wanted to know how his voice would sound when he sang. Dylan sat on the stool and fixed the mic to be at the level of his mouth. He positioned his guitar and began to strung a beautiful chord. Then he began to sing his song.

Sunrise with you on my chest

No blinds in the place where I live

Daybreak open your eyes

Cause this was only ever meant to be for one night

Still, we're changing our minds here

Be yours, be mine my dear

So close with you on my lips

Touch noses, feeling your breath

Push your heart and pull away, yeah

Be my summer in a winter day, love

I can't see one thing wrong between the both of us

Be mine, be mine, yeah

Anytime, anytime

I watched him in awe as he strung his guitar and sang. I didn't think Dylan's voice was this good. His voice was smooth, clear, and quiet yet powerful. Overall it was soothing in a way. I know you usually don't call a guy's voice beautiful, but his was. I wished he would never stop. I noticed that Dylan would sometimes twists his fingers in all sorts of way to form chords around his maple acoustic guitar. However, when he would strum the guitar it had a hypnotic soothing quality that I craved.

Ooh, you know I've been alone for quite a while

Haven't I? I thought I knew it all

Found love but I was wrong

More times than enough

But since you came along I've thinking baby

As he hits the chorus his eyes searched around the Coffee House, looking for something, no someone. His eyes settled on mine and stared at me as he sung.

You are bringing out a different kind of me

There's no safety net that's underneath, I'm free

Fallin in all

You fell for men who weren't how they appeared

Trapped up on a tightrope now we're here, we're free

Fallin all in you

He stopped singing and the crowd in the Coffee House clapped for him while some others whistled. Dylan smiled the crowd and said a thank you into the microphone. He got up with his guitar in his hand and walked towards me. He slid in the opposite side of the booth and fixed his hair.

"You're an amazing singer," I complimented him.

"Thank you. I thought for a second you wouldn't have shown up."

"Well I did get invited out but I thought, ugh Dylan's gonna be lonely without me," I joked.

He chuckled ,"Wow, that's cold."

"I'm joking, of course I was going to come."

We decided to order some food since we were both hungry. Also, my stomach wouldn't stop grumbling which Dylan heard and wouldn't stop laughing at me. I ordered a medium hot chocolate with a chocolate croissant and blueberry cheesecake. Dylan ordered a latte with 3 chocolate chip cookies and chocolate croissant.

"Well I'm glad a beautiful like you watched me preform," he said as I feel my cheeks become hot.

"Stop that," I said as I covered up my red cheeks.

"Stop what?" He questioned, acting dumb.

I rolled my eyes at him,"You know."

"No I really don't. Do you mind telling me, beautiful?"

He raised his eyebrow at me while I shook my head,"Stop calling me beautiful."

"I can't help it if it's true. You're beyond beautiful, Stella. When I tell you that you're beautiful, I don't just mean you're appearance. I mean all of you; who and what you are, is beautiful," he expressed.

"Thank you, Dylan," was all I could manage to say to him.

"You're welcome."

As we continued to eat and talk a few more people went on stage to sing or say a poem. The Coffee House was a warm, cozy, and relaxing atmosphere. It felt very homey. There was even vintage photographs placed around the shop, allowing coffee tasters to admire the photo - taking techniques and memorizing their past.

"You know this is kinda like a date."

I raised my eyebrow at at him,"A date?"

"I did ask you to brunch when we first met," he reminded me.

"But I didn't say yes and you didn't properly ask me," I retorted.

"Okay," he said as he took my hand in his.

I looked down at our joined hands then looked up at him, confused until I realized what was he was doing.

"Stella Johnson, will you go on a brunch date with me?" He asked.

Dancing with the Player | Book #1Where stories live. Discover now