His mom

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"James Peter Maxwell can you explain to me why you haven't been answering your phone?" His mother asked,with her arms crossed, and a mad expression on her face.

"Sorry mom," he apologized.

"You better be mister," she scolded.

I took my head off of James' chest and examined his mother. Now I know where James got his looks from. His mother was gorgeous, her long brown hair was in a French braid, her skin was a tan colour, and her light brown eyes were similar to James.

"Hi I'm Stella, Stella Johnson," I introduced myself.

His mother blinked a couple times. A wide smile appeared on her face and she brought me in for a bone crushing hug. Gosh I can't breathe. She rubbed my back as I awkwardly hugged her back.

"Stella it's so lovely to see you all grown up so beautifully!" She gushed.

I awkwardly smiled at her and looked at back at James who was enjoying me being crushed by his mom. I sent him my best glare yet all he did was smirk at me. I'd love to rub that smirk right off his face.

"I didn't think you'd remember me," I told her.

I haven't seen Shannon, James' mom in more than 2 years. My mom and her have kept in touch but when I began to hate James I stayed far away from him. Hence why Shannon hasn't seen me in a while. Shannon wad the sweetest mom ever, sadly James didn't get her sweetest because he was never the one to be friendly and kind.

"Of course I have dear. I can't believe you're here! I must call your mother later on!" She beamed

"Yes I was just hanging out with James," I motioned to James who was still sitting in the movie seat.

"It's great to see you two kids hanging out again. Now let's go to the kitchen," she walked away.

James and I followed behind her to the kitchen. James nudged my side and I nudged him back. It then turned out to be a game of us nudging each other, but I lost since Jame was never one to play it easy.

"So, Stella what are you doing here?" She asked as she searched through James' cabinets.

I glanced at James who smirked my way. I rolled my eyes at him then looked back at her. I was so not going to tell Shannon how I got drunk and how James brought me here. One, she'll tell my parents then they'll come visit me. Two, it'll sound like I'm a drunk mess and James was the good guy. Finally three, my parents will find out!

"Well James and I decided to hang out by watching movies but we fell asleep," I lied.

She smiled,"Sweetie you don't need to lie to me."

My eyes widened in shock. How the fuck did she know I was lying? I looked at James who was in shock as well. I'm so screwed I just hoped she let this one slide and doesn't tell my parents that they're "innocent" daughter got hung over and fought with a girl.

"I know you two are dating," she grinned.

Oh god, she thinks James and I are dating. I had no clue on how she got that idea. James and I don't even get along with each other most of the time. It's very rarely that, that happens with us. I glanced at James while he looked at me. I turned back to face his mother who was still glowing at the news.

"Stella dear you should stay for dinner," she insisted.

"Yes Stella dear you should stay for dinner," James smirked.

I glared at James then smiled at Shannon,"I would love to."

Shannon let out an excited squeal and began to cook while James and I took a seat. I've never seen Shannon so happy before, it was actually quite scary and creepy. I guess she really loved the idea of James and I being a couple.

"She thinks we're dating!" I hissed.

He smirked and puts hisarm around me,"It's not like it's a bad thing."

I fling his arm around me off of me and glared at him,"It is if you're taken."

James rolled his eyes and wrapped his arm around me yet again. I decided to stay quiet as Shannon continued to cook in the kitchen. I glanced at James to see he was on his phone playing a car racing game. If this were back in high school when I first liked James I wouldn't have minded, but now I do mind, a lot. I couldn't have his mom think we're dating despite her happy state. The dinner was finally finished being made. James and I helped her set the table and carried the food to the table. Shannon made cheesy potato casserole, chicken parmesan, and served us red wine.

"It looks delicious mom," James told her.

"Thank you," Shannon thanked him.

We each servers ourselves and began to eat. I quietly moan once the chicken parmesan was in my mouth. Shannon was legit the best at cooking. I remembered back in high school I would always come over to their house just for dinner. Shannon was also the reason how Emma learned how to cook and aspired to be chef.

"Stella you go to Juilliard?" She questioned.

"Yes I'm doing the dance program," I told her.

She kindly smiled at me,"I'm proud you got in, it was always your dream school to go to when you were young."

I nodded,"Yes it was until I saw James."

James smirked at me,"You were happy, princess."

"Was not, more like horrified."

"Oh come on, you love me," he teased.

"Nope," I shook my head.

"You really need to stop playing hard to get, princess it's getting old," James pouted.

I rolled my eyes,"It's not playing hard to get, it's not being interested."

"You wound me," James frowned at me.

"Too bad," I laughed then stuck out my tongue at him.

I stopped laughing once I remembered Shannon was in the room with us. Feeling embarrassed, I felt my cheeks get hot. I continued to finish my food and drank some of the wine.

"You two are such a cute couple. Finally James you're no longer with that tramp, Cynthia. I never liked that girl," she voiced.

"Um we're not -"

I cut James off,"We're not dating, I'm still single while James is still with..."

I paused once I realize James was still Cynthia. I guess I forgot for a tiny moment that today wasn't just a dream and that tomorrow we'll have to go back to reality. It sucks when you want a moment to be real but it's not. I looked at the time to see that it was three o'clock.

"I actually got to go, thank you for the dinner Shannon," I waved goodbye to her.

Shannon gave me a smile and waved goodbye back. I glanced at James then ran up to his room to get my stuff and leave. I grabbed my black purse and quickly slip back into my dress in the bathroom. I walked out of his bathroom to see the bedroom door open up to reveal James.

"Why are leaving so soon?" James asked, confused.

"I just got to go," I muttered.

I put on my heels and walked towards his bedroom door to leave his penthouse. James grabbed my arm causing me to turn around to face him. He pressed our bodies together and his eyes locked with mine. He brought his hand to my face and caressed my cheek. I searched through his eyes wondering what's going on in his mind.

The next thing I knew, he had slammed his lips to mine and nearly knocked all wind from my lungs. I hardly had a moment to react before he pressed his tongue to the seam of my lips and, at my grant of access, delved inside my mouth. It was slow and soft, comforting in ways that words would never be. His hand rested below my ear, his thumb caressed my cheek as our breaths mingled. I ran my fingers down his spine, pulling him closer until there was no space left between us. I could feel the beating of his heart against my chest.

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