I Hate Parties

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"Come on lets go."




"Pretty please."


"Pretty please with cherry on top."

"I'm not even invited."

"Everyone is invited."

"Well, on second thought sure."


"No," I laughed at Emma.

Emma huffed and turned to Zen,"Zen try to talk some sense in her.

She stormed out of the room and went into my kitchen. I guess you're wondering what was happening. Well I was enjoying my wonderful day Friday night watching Netflix and eating Chinese food only to for it interrupted by a very dressed up Zen and Emma. They barged through my door, turned off my Netflix and put away my Chinese food. I mean call it disrespect. Turning off Netflix was the ultimate rudest thing anyone could do especially when you were at a good part in the show.

Anyways, Emma and Zen wanted me to come to James' party that started in less than an hour. I didn't want to go out tonight nor did I want to see anyone. On top of that, the whole week James and I haven't been talking to each other. We've been avoiding each other since he told me to go and have fun on my date with Dylan. He believed that our date went well since he overhead Elana talking to me about how Dylan was a gentleman the whole night. Yet in reality it was a horrible date.

Dylan has been texting me but I only replied to him with short text messages. I mean he's a great guy but the date was shit. I don't really feel anything for him nor did I get butterflies being around him. It was just empty. Dylan did ask me out on another date but I quickly changed the subject and asked him how his vocal class was going and told him busy I was with dance.

"Come on Stella, the party will be fun! You don't even have to see James or be near him. Plus Emma and I will be at your side the whole night. Whenever we see him we'll move you to where he isn't," he persuaded.

"Fine I'll go" I said, giving in.

Emma beamed,"Finally! Now get dolled up while we watch Netflix and eat your left over of Chinese."

I glared at her,"Don't you dare touch my food."

I turned around and walked to my room. I looked through my closest and tried to find an outfit. I put on a short blue satin dress that fit me like a clove. The dress showed a bit of my cleavage and my back was open. I curled my hair and put on a more makeup than I was used to. I slipped into blue heels and grabbed my black small purse. Once Emma and Zen saw me their jaws dropped in shock. I twirled around and smiled at them.

"You look hot!" Emma blurted out.

"James won't stop staring at you," Zen grinned.

"Tonight isn't about James, it's about having fun," I said as I put on my black bubble jacket to keep warm.

We left my apartment and got into Zen's car. Zen immediately turned on the heat since outside was cold. I put on my seatbelt and rested my head on the window. I noticed light snowflakes falling onto the window and stared at them in awe. In a couple minutes we reached James' penthouse. I could already the loud music inside as we entered the elevator. Zen pressed the button to close the door and we went up. The elevator doors opened and revealed Austin with Sophie by his side.

"Hey guys, come inside!" Austin happily greeted.

I knew for sure that Austin was already drunk. It was only 10pm and the party started 30 minutes ago, but I guess he couldn't wait. Zen, Emma, and I walk into the penthouse. It was so crowded that we had to hold hands and pushed past people to get to the kitchen. I didn't expect so many people to be here but Zen did tell me before that James knew a lot of people from Juilliard and not from Juilliard. As we walked into the kitchen we saw a girl on the counter and a guy in between her legs, sloppily making out. Gross.

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