Midnight of Madness

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It was a Friday night, almost 12am, and I couldn't sleep. I was out with Sophie and Emma the whole day since they wanted to have another girl's day. We went to the one place I hated and Emma knew that I hated this place too. It was none other than the mall. I hated the mall because I would have to go shopping and shopping is a long process, especially with Emma.

I rolled onto my side and closed my eyes trying to get some sleep. Once I felt myself falling asleep my phone on my nightstand went off. I groaned and picked up my phone to see a text.

Open your door - James

I scrunched my eyes, confused as to why James was at my door at almost 12am in the morning. I pushed the covers off my body, exposing my legs to the cold air. I walked out of my room to the front door. I checked the peep hole to see if James was there which he was. I unlocked my door and opened it to reveal James staring at my legs. His eyes slowly moved from my exposed legs to my face. I raised an eyebrow at him, waiting for him to explain himself as to why he's here.

"Well princess, we're going on a midnight of madness."

"Midnight of Madness?" I questioned.

He nodded,"Yes, now as much as I love looking at your silky legs, you need to get dressed."

"I'm not going anywhere and especially not on this midnight of madness."

"A person needs a little bit of madness or they'd never dare to be free," he quoted.

"Madness is somewhere in between chaos and having a dream," I quoted back.

"All great changes are proceeded by chaos."

I sighed,"Fine, I'll go on this stupid midnight of madness."

Before he answered I swiftly turned around and went back into my bedroom. I opened my closet and rummaged through my clothes. I decided to wear faded black ripped jeans, white long sleeve, and a warm black trench coat. I took my hair out of my messy bun and let my hair down. I put on a little makeup then put on my white sneakers. I left my room to find James eating a cookie from my pantry.

My eyes narrowed as he stared at me in shock. He put my cookies back in the pantry and closed the door. The cookie that was in his hand was now stolen from me. I ate the rest of the cookie and opened the door. He left my apartment and I joined him not before locking it. We walked towards his car, but what I was most surprised by was James opening the door for me. I quizzed James' behaviour as I got into the front seat. He started the car and we drove to god knows where.

My eyes wandered over to his face,"Where are we going?"

He shortly glanced at me,"It's a surprise."

"Everything is a surprise with you," I muttered, knowing he heard me.

"Not my feelings for you," he said, causing my heart to stop.

"Especially your feelings for me," I replied.

"And what about yours?" He questioned yet didn't glance at me.

I opened my mouth to answer yet I closed it. Ever since I admitted to myself that I liked James, I've been pushing those feelings away. It's clear that James liked me and I liked him, so the question is, why don't we get together? It's more complicated when his brother was in the mix and you're still unsure about going for the player. You know what they say never play with the player and his game. Who knows if James has given up his player ways?

I remained silent for the whole ride and I think James picked up on it since he turned on the radio. After a couple minutes, the car came to a stop. I looked out of the window to make out where we were but I failed to do so since it was dark out. All I could really see were many black figures and loud music. I glanced at James to see him already getting out the car so I followed his lead.

We walked towards the crowd of people and I realized we were at a concert. If this was James' sick joke of making me lose sleep just to attend a concert and call it a midnight of madness, he was for sure getting punched. I glared at James who watched the concert, it was a band of five people playing some funky music I've never heard of. James' eyes met mine and saw my glare pointed towards him.

"What!" He yelled over the music.

"Take me home!" I yelled back.

He shook his head,"No, we're here to have fun!"

"Yeah I'm having so much fun!" I yelled sarcastically.

He rolled his eyes, grabbed my wrist and tugged me towards the stage. I tugged my wrist to get him to let go of me but his grip was too strong. Once he let go of me I noticed that we were in front of the stage. I also noticed that we were squished in between so many sweaty bodies that were either drunk, high, or simply just enjoying the music. James went behind me and put his hand on my waist. Before I could protest, he lifted me up on stage. The band glanced at me and threw me questionable looks. I looked down at James to see him mouth 'dance' to me.

I bit my lip and began to dance to the music that the band was playing. I closed my eyes and lost myself into the music. I soon heard the crowd chanting 'dance' and cheering for me to continue. I continued to dance to the music and even jammed out to the music with each of the band members. I looked down at James to see a proud smile on his face. I went to the edge of the stage and got down. James took my hand and we left the concert.

"That was awesome!" I beamed, excitement flowing throw my veins.

He smirked,"It's only the beginning,"

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