Second Chance

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"Come in, come in!" My dad beamed in excitement behind me.

I stayed rooted in my spot as I stared at the Maxwell's. They were the last people I expected to be here right now. Milton and Shannon greeted my parents then greeted me, but I was still in shock. Brooke ran up to me and hugged me, almost sending me to the floor. I hugged her back for a few seconds then pulled away. My eyes then met Dylan who was smiling at me. Dylan moved up and opened his mouth to say something, but Brooke grabbed my hand and pulled me forward.

"Brooke, you go find a seat at the table while I talk to my mom," I told her and she nodded her head.

I followed my mom into the kitchen and leaned on the counter with my arms crossed. My mom turned around and she slightly jumped. She put a hand on her heart.

"Stella, you scared me!" She hissed.

I cut to the chase,"Why didn't you tell me the Maxwell's we're coming?"

"Brooke wanted it to be a surprise and I didn't think you'd care, you're close with everyone in the Maxwell's family."

"A little too close," I muttered.

"What was that?" She asked.

I shook my head,"Nothing. What I'm trying to say is, mom, no more surprises. You know I hated surprises since I was 8 years old."

She sighed,"Fine, no more surprises."

We both went into the dinning room to see everyone already seated. On one side was Diane, Vivian, Riley, and Dylan while my parents sat at the ends of the table. On the other side was Shannon, Milton, and Brooke. There was an empty spot beside Dylan and two empty spots beside Brooke. I decided to sit beside Brooke instead of Dylan. I slightly frowned as I noticed James wasn't here. I guess he didn't want to see me after our fight.

Deep down I actually wished James would be here. Although he would always annoy me, I actually missed talking to him. I missed being around him. Sure we danced together as partners but it wasn't the same when you try to avoid talking or looking at each other. One thing was,I hoped he missed me as much as I missed him.

"There you are!" Shannon smiled.

"Yeah, sorry I came late there was a lot of traffic."

I looked up to see none other than James. I looked at him in surprise, I didn't expect him to show up. He looked around the room as if he was searching for someone, then his eyes landed on me. He stared at me and I didn't look away, I wasn't even planning to. I stared into those brown eyes that I always got lost in.

"James, come join us," my mom said, breaking our stare.

There was an empty seat beside Dylan and one beside me. James walked over to where I was sitting and sat down beside me. My eyes moved over to Dylan who was glaring at James with anger swirling in his eyes. My mom cleared her throat and told us to all hold hands. Brooke took my hand and held onto it. A hand slipped into mine, causing a spark to shoot up my arm. I looked down at my hand intertwined with James, then looked up at him to see him already looking at me.

My mom began to say a little prayer about the food on the table and how we were all here safe and sound. She finished the prayer and we let go of each other's hands, expect James. His hand lingered around mine for a few more seconds. His hand perfectly fitted into mine as if it was meant for me. Everyone dug into dinner and passed around the food that the other one needed.

My mom broke the silence by introducing the two families,"So Diane, these are the Maxwell's and the Maxwell's these are the Rodgers, our first cousins."

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