Chapter 15 ~Final test~

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             I sit in the chair, awaiting the test. I'm infront of a large group of people. I worried last night about the fears I have. Soon, everyone will know that Amar and I have a thing. Or maybe they'll just asume that he is just there. Not meaning that he's the reason for the fear, the fear is the fear itself.  Let's not forget the moment when they find out who I really am. And to top it off, my ass hurts.

    Yep, my ass hurts. Why you might ask? Because Amar doesn't like the feel of a lot of "lube" (A/N: I hate that word so much for some reason) Yep, we had seeexxxx. I came in there to cuddle but got my garden feeled with a cucumber. Weird metaphor but I will mother fucking take it. So, yeah. Little Tobias lost his virginity the night before my final test. By my Trainer. This is just the most fabulous thing ever.

    Amar comes to my chair and stands beside it, holding the needle. He secretly winks at me and then injects me. I go through my fears one by one, yet I don't come out sweating or panting. I come out calm and collected. I sit up straight in my chair and everyoe claps. Max comes over to me. "Four, that was simply incredible! You broke a record! Only Four Fears AND all that happened and your calm? Damn", He says. I smile with relief and thank him. They tell me I can go so I go to the luch hall and eat. Alex soons come over to my table with me.

      "Hey", he says. I smile at him in reply and go back to eating. "How'd your tests go?". I give him a thumbs up. "Good. You're being really quiet". I shrug and chomp down the rest of my food. He just stares at me. I finish and throw away my stuff then go and sit down.

     "Sorry, I was extremely hungry. Tests went amazing! They said I broke a record.", I say. He gives me a smile and congratulates me then leaves. That was weird. Then Eric comes to sit beside me and he smiles hugely.

     "WE DID IT MOTHER FUCKER!", He yells. I start laughing and high five him. We start talking about different stuff, the Amity guy, the girl he likes, Amar, Max. We basically gossiped the whole fucking time. Then Max taps a glass.

    "Follow me to the pit", he says. We obey and follow him. He shows us the board and I'm suprisded to see it.

 1. Four

2. Eric

3. Shauna

4. Zeke


    I smile hugely at Eric and we "bro hug. I feel like jumping up and down. Would that be appropriate? Probably not...... I see Amar standing there, biting his nails and I wonder whats up with him. Oh my god! I GOT FIRST!

      A/N: He got first. They had sex BUT I didn't type it :P. Sorry for the sort of short chapter. Thanks for reading, you're beautiful, and I'll see ya soon.

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