Fine Whine

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"Nope. Since Shaundi's hell bent on me letting you go, I'm gonna keep you, just to show her who's the boss around here. Hungry?"

'And we're thrown into another pissing contest...' Pierce held back a groan of disappointment. He had hoped that their fearless leader would see reason and just let the girl go. But, of course, Shaundi had to mouth off. If Pierce had learned anything about the Boss since he'd met him back in Stilwater, it was that he couldn't stand being pushed around and told what to do. Pierce had never asked the Boss outright what caused him to be like that, but he figured that he'd been bullied when he was younger or something.

The girl only stared at Boss after her jaw dropped open in disbelief. "T-that is so childish!"

'Agreed.' Pierce thought as he shook his head. Shaundi may not have wanted Denitra around just because she was another female, but Pierce just didn't trust her. People would do anything to get near the Saints; groupies and con artists were a constant threat. Boss was too preoccupied with more important things than to stop and consider the fact that some people were bold enough to steal money from the Saints. It was Pierce's own suggestion that they stop stashing their earnings in the safes of their cribs and safe houses. With all the partying that they liked to do, it was just too easy and tempting for someone to break into the safes and steal some cash.

"There's a difference between making a suggestion and giving an order. I know she's been stressed out lately, but she needs to remember that she's only allowed to make a suggestion, not order me around."

Shaundi turned around on the couch. "So you're gonna keep this chick just to piss me off?"

"Does this really surprise you?" Boss asked, a bit surprised himself.

"Yes!" Shaundi stood.

Boss shrugged. "Well, deal with it."

Shaundi started to open her mouth but Pierce made a cutting motion with his hand at his throat, a signal for her to just shut up. He silently hoped she'd understand that she was really just making it worse. Fortunately, she did and plopped back down on the couch.

"You can't do that!" Denitra shouted.

"And just why not?" Boss asked in a child's voice, clearly taunting her.

Pierce was aware that if the girl planned everything out to make sure she was in whatever car Boss carjacked, then she was damned good. Could she have been that good? Not likely, but it didn't mean that she couldn't take advantage of her situation. He'd have to make sure her mind wasn't wandering in that direction.

"-have the right to just imprison people on a whim!" Pierce clued back into the conversation.

"If you didn't notice, I didn't have to keep you in the car. I could have just shoved your ass out with your mom and let you both get run over."

"Then why didn't you? Since when did you ever care about anyone other than yourself?"

"Karma. I try, from time to time, to put some good into the world. It increases my chances of being reincarnated as at least a sea turtle in the next life. Could you imagine being reborn as a tree or flower?" He made a face as if he was in pain before turning away from her to hide his face.

Even Pierce struggled not to laugh at her outraged expression. "YOU THINK THIS SHIT IS FUNNY?"

"You have to admit my chances of being a sea turtle are pretty slim."

"You are going to let me go." Denitra spoke evenly, fists shaking with rage at her sides. Maybe it was the tone in her voice or her body language, but the playful demeanor the Boss had slipped away as his eyes became void of emotion, leaving a cold, deadly expression on his face. Pierce had seen the look before, often right before he made a rash decision in which someone ended up dead.

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