Couches Carry STDs

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Jamien stepped off of the elevator feeling shitty. Shaundi had almost put a bullet in Killbane's face. But, as always, almost doesn't count. Though it wasn't his fault that the Deckers' leader, Matt Miller, had been able to hack the controls to their helicopter and cause them to crash, Shaundi still had been less than happy with him.

She'll get over it.

Denitra and Pierce were seated at the kitchen island, with takeout and a bottle of wine in front of them. Sitting pretty close. Jamien bit the inside of his cheek. "Well, hello lovebirds, how was your evening?"

The look on Pierce's face was priceless. Then again, maybe the look on Jamien's face was enough to make a person shit bricks. "Hey, Boss. What happened?"

"Killbane decided to trash the Saints on TV. You didn't see it?" Jamien took slow steps towards the pair.

"Oh, what?" He looked back at Denitra for a second. "No, I didn't see it. We were talking and eating."

"Talking about what?"

"You." Pierce answered so candidly that it caught Jamien off guard for a second.


"Um, I have to go to the bathroom. Is there one up here?" Denitra cut in, sliding off of her seat.

"Yeah, just go up the stairs. There's stairs on both sides of the loft and you can't miss the bathroom." Pierce pointed out the stairs for her and she was gone. When Pierce turned back around, he stilled. "What did I do now?"


Pierce sighed, taking off his hat to run a hand over his head, then put it back on. "You're sorta responsible for the death of her best friend."

"Come again?"

"Boss, the Stilwater University shootout with Sons of Samedi?"

"Yeah, what about it?"

"She said her friend worked in the gift shop. She was killed in the crossfire." Pierce shoved his hands into his pockets. "The girl's really torn up about it."


"Yeah, oh. And, to make you feel bad, she thinks you're attractive. But now you're keeping her here against her will. So things are gonna get ugly before they get good."

"Do you think I should let her go?" Jamien looked at his second.

Pierce's eyes widened. "I don't think anything. I'm just letting you know the situation. I don't know what you plan to do as far as she's concerned, but you should watch your back. I'd hate for you to end up with a fork in your eye or something."

"Well, wait. Does she know I-"

"No. If she knew, there'd be no keeping her here."

"Duly noted."

The distinct sound of a toilet flushing interrupted them. "So what happened?" Pierce spoke quickly, going over to the bar to pour Jamien a shot glass of vodka. He accepted it with a nod of thanks.

"Well, we found the bastard, took out a good number of Deckers along the way, and in the end, failed to kill the bastard. Deckers hacked our helicopter and crashed it. Killbane lives to see another day." He tossed the shot back. "So, Shaundi's royally pissed off at me now."

"We'll get another chance."

"Don't tell me that, tell her that."

"I've tried, remember? Didn't help that at the time I was getting a lap dance but still. The girl needs to live a little."

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