Bumper Body

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It had gotten darker outside. The clouds looked heavy, and the smell of rain was in the air. A storm was coming their way. Denitra considered asking Jamien if she'd be allowed to stand in it for a little while if it did begin to rain, but seeing the blank expression on his face, she decided against it.

"Get in the car."

She looked over at him and tried hard to fight the frown that threatened to kill her good mood. She hated the way he talked to her, ordering her around like she was one of his minions. She hated how he didn't understand the concept of being polite, as if the words "please" and "thank you" would kill him. She hated that he was a Saint, and somehow, she'd agreed to keep the lunatic company for another six days. Oh, how cruel the world can be.

"Dee, get in the car." He turned towards her, taking his cigarette out of his mouth and tossing the butt away. He yanked open the passenger door to the Hammerhead and gestured for her to get inside.

She sighed and complied, taking care to put on her seat belt. This whole morning was fucked up. Normally, she would love to go out and go to the salon to have her hair and nails done. She would love to go shopping and buy new clothes and jewelry.

His presence alone made her hate things she normally loved.

He closed the door for her and lazily walked around to the driver's side. Instead of getting in, he leaned on the door, reaching down to press a button, locking her inside. She couldn't help but look at him like he'd gone mad; with the windows down, there was no point. "I need you to promise me something."

She huffed and sat back in her seat. It was beginning to seem this man constantly wanted something from her, including conversation. She gave him an annoyed look, prompting him to continue.

He licked his lips as he stared at her then looked over his shoulder at a group of men standing across the street. "Can you stay in the car while I go talk to a friend?" He nodded his head in the direction he'd be going, blue eyes sparkling with mischief.

She smacked her lips and scratched her head, wondering why he thought he'd have to ask. If she wanted to run, she would do so, promise or not. She probably wouldn't even have to run but just scream and yell for help. Bottom line, if she wanted to get away, she would. He would be leaving her unattended for who knows how long. Unless... "Will you shoot me if I don't?"

The question seemed to surprise him. His eyebrows rose in question, and he tilted his head to the side. "Do you want me to?"

She thought about it. Was death better than being in a Saint's company?

What a dumb question.

She nodded eagerly. "If you wouldn't mind."

He seemed to be disturbed by her answer. "And they say I'm nuts. Can you just stay in the car?" He looked at her then added, "Please?"

She felt her shoulders drop in defeat. Puppy eyes on a grown man shouldn't be cute. But, damn it, if it wasn't cute on the man talking to her. It was no secret that he was attractive. She'd noticed how ladies reacted to him when he walked into the room when he spoke to them. It seemed she wasn't immune to his charms. He reminded her of a charismatic high school class clown, with his constant mischievous smiles and off-handed jokes. She wondered what she'd done that was worth being punished like this.

"What are you going to do, exactly? Does it involve drugs?"

His head dropped down. "No."

"Why do I have to stay in the car?"

"Isn't that obvious?" He held out his hands. "So you won't be noticed."

"I thought the new look was supposed to take care of that."

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