Stilwater Tears

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*Friday, five days later*

The first week of college had been hectic, but Denitra had managed. In between being hounded by various reporters wanting to get the exclusive - a detailed account of what it'd been like to be held captive by the Leader of the Saints and forced to be his love slave - and fighting off her overprotective mother, she was adjusting to college life pretty well considering her history. She hadn't been able to attend school on the first day due to the emotional stress she was under. Everyone had wanted her to talk about what she'd been through, wanted her to press charges against Jamien so they could go after him.

She wanted nothing to do with him.

No one understood what it was like for her, the pain she felt. She loved him with all of her heart, held back only because she didn't want him to ever get hurt because of her. But he held back from her for his own selfish reasons. He'd seen the extent of the damage Layla's death had on her sanity. He even went so far as to try to hold her together, for his own amusement, she supposed. But he was the cause of her pain. If it hadn't been for him, Layla would be alive now. They could have been classmates, pursuing a degree in education like they'd always wanted. Layla was more than a friend. She was family. She was someone who had big plans and a bright future, unlike so many others. She deserved to live, to be happy.

She was torn between her loyalty and love for Layla and her love for Jamien. Her chest constantly ached, as if her heart was bleeding. She convinced herself that she shouldn't want to be with a guy who did the things he did - he was a menace to society - because he could never give her the one thing she ultimately wanted the most, a family of her own. It was like putting a bandage over an open wound that needed stitches. It worked now, but how long would it last? And she could never forgive Jamien, no matter how much she loved him or how desperately she wanted to be with him.

She stepped outside of the mathematics building and was caught off guard by a strong gust of wind. She struggled to hold on to her books and a purse with one hand as she used the other to make sure her brown cotton peasant skirt didn't pull an unattractive Marilyn Monroe without her consent. Once it passed, she fished through her purse for her keys and headed towards her car. She only had one class left for the day, English, and she needed to exchange the stuff she had for that class.

She scanned the parking lot for her car, a royal blue Neuron, and nearly tripped over her feet when she spotted it. On the side, in between her and her car, sat a black Temptress with a custom rose on the hood. She looked but saw no one around. She shivered, whether out of fear or anticipation she wasn't sure. She hurried, hoping to get the stuff she needed and get to her class before he appeared. She unlocked the door and tossed her stuff inside, papers scattering everywhere. She pulled out her binder and closed the door, then saw someone's reflection beside her own.

"Hey, Dee."

She screamed and jumped, turning around to face him. She exhaled sharply, then reluctantly looked up at him. He looked like hell. The first and most obvious thing she noticed was that he'd neglected to shave in a few days. There were dark spots under his eyes as if he hadn't slept in days, and his hair was a mess. His eyes were as intense as ever. She immediately dropped his gaze, not wanting to go free falling with her heart into his arms again. Even if she knew he'd catch her. The cool fall air kicked up again, this time making it a little harder to breathe.

"How's school?" His tone was light, conversational. She looked at him then away again. Though there was anger in his expression, there was also hurt and pain. She had to keep reminding herself that he'd brought this on himself.

"It's going well. My teachers are all pretty understanding of...what I've been they're not as strict with deadlines yet." His finger touched her chin, gently forcing her to look at him.

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