Bullets All Around

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Denitra couldn't name too many things she didn't like about the exotic car. It had put both her and Jamien in such a great mood that he suggested they hit up the Broken Shillelagh for drinks. He sat across from her at a tiny private table, his chin perched on one hand as he stared at her. She held his gaze then looked down, unable to keep from smiling at this wonderful feeling he elicited from her. "I think I'm in love with an inanimate object."

He tilted his head to the side. "I know I can be mean, but damn, inanimate?"

She laughed and shook her head. "I'm sure you wish my every word had something to do with you."

He nodded. "I really do."

His words made her chest tingle. Denitra put her hand over her heart and pressed down, hoping like hell it would go away. "You know I meant the car, Jay."

His hand dropped to the table as the other reached across the table for hers. "Do you really?"

"Yes." She put the hand he nearly touched in her lap as the other slowly circled the rim of her margarita glass. "It's a really nice car."

He sat back, and she could almost see the wheels turning in his head. 'Oh, jeez...' "Make a deal with me, and it's yours."

She turned her head to the side slowly but kept her eyes trained on him. "And the deal would be...?"

His smile scared the shit out of her. "If you can last beyond Monday, you can have it."

"Last beyond Monday?"

"Our compromise. Stay longer than that, and she's yours. I'll even throw in free upkeep for you." Her shoulders slumped in defeat. "Free gas, too."

She froze in utter disbelief. Even though he'd stolen the car, he had to have coughed up a pretty penny for the modifications. Now here he was practically giving her a free car, minus insurance, in exchange for a few more days of her time. Something she no longer felt was a chore to do. "So, basically you want me to stay with you while I go to college?"

"I didn't say that."

"You'd just find another reason for me not to leave, Jay." She smiled. "Let me guess, are you thinking about getting a puppy or something?"

He shrugged. "I'm not a fan of things that need potty training, but hey, it's something I could try." He chuckled when he saw her skeptical expression. "I really could! They have animal trainers for a reason. So, will you take the offer? Just a reminder, that car normally goes for half a million at any luxury dealership. You could just as easily spend the rest of your life saving up your pennies for it. By then, they'll have some new fancier model you're bound to want."

"You are an evil man."

"No, but I'd make a damn good lawyer."

She nodded in agreement. "So, just so we're clear, if I stay until Tuesday morning, I get the car?"

He frowned. "That does-"

"You said past Monday. You didn't say how many days past Monday. For me, that means I can get up Tuesday morning, drive away, and never look back." She watched him slowly shut down. "Right?"

He was very tight-lipped with his answer. "Yes."

She sat back in her chair. "Then I'll take the deal. You have to understand, as a third-year med student, the university requires that I live on campus. I'd be risking expulsion to ignore that."

"I can deal with that part." He paused to sample his drink. "I can't deal with the idea of you being able to walk away from me and 'never look back'." He leaned forward suddenly and caught the hand she teased her glass with. He stared into her eyes, lightly running his thumb over the back of her hand. This close to him, she was unable to look away, unable to resist the power in his sensual, sapphire gaze. Heat rushed through her until she was sure she'd melt right there in her seat, down into her Saints sneakers. She was vaguely aware that those eyes were slowly moving closer to her, that a hand gently held her by the chin, ensuring that she'd stay still. A thumb gently traced her bottom lip and her heart began to beat faster until she was light-headed. It wasn't until she felt something graze her nose and lips that she snapped back to reality and saw that he was literally no more than an inch away from her, attempting to kiss her.

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