Just Shoot Me

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Jamien's cell phone went off, bringing him back to the present. With his left hand, he reached into his pocket for the little noise maker. It was a text message from Zimos. He hesitated, knowing that if it were about Candi, he'd find the little fucker and ring his fucked up neck. Instead, it was about a hit:

Smoov's a hustler who don't recognize old school anymore, dig? Now he hangs with the Syndicate. Grab one of his hos in Henry Steel Mills. His hos will be the fatter, uglier ones...not those tight strippers you see prancin' around. Anyway, when he shows, ice that cat.

Smoov was no stranger to Jamien.

Of course, Jamien knew he could follow Zimos' instructions. It would most likely end in a shoot out of some sort. He looked down at the girl in his lap and knew that, despite whatever she'd say, she'd have some difficulty looking at any of the other Saints besides him. He'd seen her at her worse and didn't judge her. Besides, fresh air could do her some good. "How fast can you get dressed?"

"For what? Where are we going?"

He debated on telling her the truth or not. "Zimos needs me to take someone out for him."

"Why do I have to go?"

"He wants me to do it publicly. I think, with your help, I can do it privately."

"And just what makes you think I would be willing to help you kill someone just because Zimos asked you to?" She frowned, putting little wrinkles in her forehead.

"Because Smoov abuses his girls. There are a lot of girls here in Safeword that used to work for him. I've heard the stories, seen the damage. Most of the time he's satisfied with just hitting them, other times he likes to do much worse. Just because they've been dealt a shitty hand doesn't mean they can be treated like shit. Personally, I've wanted to put a bullet in him for a while now." He looked at her. "These girls are someone's mother, someone's sister, daughter, niece."

"You don't have the right to kill him. That's what the justice system is for."

"You know as well as I do the system is flawed, broken. Innocent people get convicted while the guilty go free. The guilty, more often than not, aren't punished to fit the crime. I'll do the system a favor and take this little matter off of their hands."

Her frown deepened. "I don't like this, but-"

"You'll do it? For them?" He tried not to sound hopeful, but she nodded. "Great. So, you'll need an outfit..."

It wasn't hard to get a Morningstar Infuego

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It wasn't hard to get a Morningstar Infuego. It wasn't hard to strip a Morningstar henchman of his clothes. It wasn't even hard to get the location of where Smoov operated and get inside.

It was damn near impossible to get Denitra to cooperate, though.

"Will you shut up?" Jamien looked at her, exasperated.

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