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"Now, how about you call me ...


Your mind goes blank for a second before a giggle comes out of your mouth with difficulty.

'Anti' drops you, surprised. By now, you're full on laughing.

"Anti ... Oh my god ... " You can barely breathe through your sobs of laughter.

You finally get up and smile at the man standing before you.

"Yeah, no. I'm not falling for that."

"Ye're ... WHAT?"

You smile as a tear slides down your face.

"Jeez, I haven't had a good laugh in a while" You say as you wipe it away.

"I don't think ye -"

"No, no, no. Dude, stop."

You keep smiling at the intruder in your kitchen.

"Okay, this is so weird, is it for like a video or something? Did I leave the door unlocked?"

He looks confused. He breathes in, looks as if he wants to say something, but stops.

"Uhh, no. The door was locked."

"Okay, I'm flattered, but leave. I know you probably meant well, but -"

"Meant WELL?"

"- but you're intruding uninvited on my property, I could call the cops on this, so please leave. I don't know how you got through the lock, but you need to get out. I'm sure this'll make a great story for your fans, but just because you're Jacksepticeye doesn't mean you can break in my house."

You walk to the front door, expecting to see it unlocked after Jack probably picked it.

It's not.

Your shoes are still in front of it.

You remember his footsteps starting from here, but he clearly didn't enter through the door.

Actually, you didn't hear the door open or close at all.


That's not possible...


You slowly turn around to see the green-haired man -?- looking angrily at you.

He smiles, a maniacal grin spreading on his face.

"Well well. How 'bout that. You finally realise."

"Y-you're not Jack ..." You whisper.

"No fooking shit, Sherlock."

Is he really ...



It can't be.

Anti's fake.

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