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"Daaaammn." You whisper, a proud smile resting on your face.

They throw Wilford's gun back to Anti, who smiles and says something, but you can't make it out. You're fully focused on the other you, their movement and technique.

It's absolutely fascinating.

Wilford says something and Dark answers, but your brain still doesn't process it. You're so proud of... well, yourself, you don't notice anything else happening around you.

They get into a defensive stance as Wilford charges, arms in a boxer's stance.

You analyze him, just as the other you does so.

Hmm. Arms would be easy to capture and break. His feet are too far apart.

(Y/n) notices too, ducking and kicking the back of his knee, sending him tumbling. They somehow slam him on the floor face first, locking his arms behind him.

They gracefully jump off, not taking their eyes off their opponent.


Dark says something else, and you finally snap back into reality when they turn and look at you, gaze questioning.

You back up a bit behind Anti, all the attention now on you. They step forward, still calculating.

"Yep!" Anti says, answering... no one. "(Y/n), meet (Y/n)."

Their eyes lighten as they shake it off and offer their hand.

Huh. Really me. Never met anyone who goes to shake hands. You think, as you bring out yours as well.

They smile.

Is that how I look when I smile? Damn I look cute.

Anti grabs your attention. "They said hi and apologised for the fight."

You shake your head, also smiling. "No problem! You just startled me a bit. I would've done the same."

He pipes up gain, adding "(Y/n) doesn't talk, by the way, to the three people who haven't met them."

You nod. "Guessed so." You say, hearing Wilford groan in the background.

They discuss in sign with JJ a bit, before throwing a knife at Wilford's head after making a comment.

Damn. Gotta ask 'em to teach me how to do that. I've never been able to hit the target.

They sign to Wil. I can also throw knives.

Daaaaammmn. You think again.

JJ brings the attention unto himself by clapping loudly, signing. "We have more important matters to discuss right now."

Dark nods, agreeing with the mute. "Jamieson is right."

Other you now seems a lot more nervous.

"The silver-built one is back."

The silver-built one? The other you signs.

"My question exactly." you respond.

Dark glances to Anti, asking him. "How much did you tell them?"

He shrugs. "Creation, realms. What about you?"

Dark frowns. "Only about demons and Them."

Anti nods.

Hey! Don't talk about us like we're not here! Tell us what's going on! They sign, obviously frustrated.

You lift your fist in agreement and they bump it.

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