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You walk quietly to your bedroom, carrying a tray with orange juice and pop tarts. Quietly slipping your head in to see if Anti has woken up already, you notice he is.

He sits on the window sill, staring out to the fresh morning outside.

A small breeze can be felt through the small opening he made in the window, along with the soft sounds of birds singing outside.

You lay the tray on the nightstand next to the king size bed. You know Anti heard you, but the way he isn't acknowledging you is odd.

"Are you alright?"

He nods, still looking outside, not letting you see his face. He's never been a good liar.

You tilt your head, unsure as to what should be done.

Knowing Anti, he needed to talk. He will deny it, but staying quiet will only make his emotions fester on the inside and eventually blow up on everyone.

"Look at me."

He stiffens, then turns his head.

It's plainly obvious he's been crying, his cheeks streaked with dry black tears and eyes red.

"Oh, sweetheart..."

You sit by him, pulling him into your shoulder. He starts sobbing into your sweater, letting you slowly rub his back.

Pulling him on the bed, you get closer to him, letting him cuddle up to you.

Arms around your waist, face in your neck, his breath becomes more ragged.

"Ssshh, ssshhhh, it's alright."

Rubbing his back, you stay quiet, knowing he'll start talking on his own.

"I-I'm s-s-o s-s-orry-y" he says. "I-it's-s a-al-l m-my f-fault-t."

"Deep breaths, love. It'll help, I promise."

You start breathing deeply, petting his back at the same rhythm, letting him follow suit.

"I'm sorry, it's my fault." he repeats, calmer this time.

"What is?" you ask back, though you have a feeling you already know the answer.

"Y-yesterday. I couldn't keep the intruder away, I couldn't even tell there was a danger!"

"Now, that's not tru-"

"But it is!" he protests. "and then I almost went berserk on you! I could've hurt you! And..."

he says the next part quieter.

"I don't know what I'd do if I lost you..."

Taking a deep breath, you think carefully of what to do next.

"Sweetheart, it isn't your fault. I know you don't believe me, but I'll say it anyway. I don't blame you, you didn't have anything to do with it. You were only trying to protect me."

His body is still slightly shaking from occasional sobs, making you want to cry as well.

Others' pain has always been a weak point for you. It's simply unbearable.

A tear trickles down your cheek as you run your fingers through Anti's dark green hair.

Looking up, he startles you with a shout. "Oh no! You're crying! I-I'm s-sorry! P-please d-don't-t c-cry!"

"Shh, this is about you, right now."

"But -"

"No buts."

You bring him closer, sticking your face in his lavender-smelling hair. Such a nice smell.

"I'll be fine. You have a few issues we need to resolve."

"But -"

"What did I say?"

He shuts up, and you breathe in deeply.

"It is not your fault.

I am the one who let him in.

Neither one of us knew, neither one of us could've known.

It took the appearance of Jack.

It attacked us.

You only wanted to protect me.

Nothing happened to either of us.

Therefore, it isn't your fault.

And I know you don't believe me, but please keep it in mind as a possibility."

Suggestion can do a lot.

His breath slows down, and so you get up.

Looking over his sleeping form, you can't help but notice him. So peaceful, layed down on the mattress.

Softly pecking his forehead, you whisper a few words. Words you hadn't said yet, but that honestly should've been said a long time ago, and you knew it.

Over his sleeping body, where you can see all the details on his face.

Small, pale freckles sprinkled over his upper cheeks and nose. Impossible to notice unless you come close enough.

Long, dark eyelashes.

Perfect little button nose.

Perfect lips.

And the three words you whisper, the three words you should've said long ago, the three words you meant since the beginning,

"I love you."

You go to get up, but he grabs your arm and pulls you beside him, taking the covers over the two of you.

"Did ya really think I was gonna miss the first time you said that?"

You chuckle to yourself, your eyelids falling. You didn't realise how tired you've been, and the last thing you hear before completely blacking out, those three words repeated, with a little addition.

"I love ya too, babe."

///A bit shorter than what I usually write, sorry about that. Also, wooo, I wrote a conflict that won't last a single chapter and will make the characters progress in their self-development. Hope you enjoyed, vote if you really enjoyed (I mean like enjoyed it a lot) and comment if you want!

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