Chapter XIV

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I never realized just how powerful betrayal could be. I thought that hatred was the strongest word in the dictionary, but that was before I ever felt true betrayal. I thought that my hatred for Satan was strong back then, only now as I stare at him with narrowed eyes, I wonder if it's possibly gotten stronger. I see myself in him now. I see the way his lips raise into a sneer as he stares at me and know that my lips are in the same position. Our eyes are black as coal and stuck on each other.

But nothing compares to the hurt flowing from me. It's so powerful it's pushing my inner self back in the corner. She's crying out for help, but my attention is focused elsewhere, allowing the demon and angel to take control. They leap forward and force my body into action.

Seeing Rowl, the demon I have trusted so much in the past months come to stand next to Satan has pushed me over the edge. I let my wall play games with me. It would fall down and come back up only half as strong, only now it's rebuilding itself with the help of gorilla glue. This was the last straw.

I embrace the feeling of power slipping over my veins as the demon releases its fury. The angel beside it even looks scared as I quickly curve my body back to escape an oncoming punch. I knew tonight was going to end badly, but nothing prepared me for this. It looks like a war scene from a movie. Dead angels lie on the ground with their own swords piercing their chests. The amount of disrespect floating from the evil demons creeps out perfectly from their pores letting an ominous pulse float over everyone. And Satan is just watching it like the sick bastard he is.

I cannot remember how I started this thing, but I do know I did cause all the carnage behind me. It all turned red as my inner self finally gave up control and I was forced into a fury stronger than any force. Looking at how it turned out, I cannot tell if I am satisfied or saddened. I see my friends being mercilessly beaten, their skin reddening as they fight. My eyes lock on Lilianna, Davion's mate. She is cornered by a tree and two demons. Seeing the image of my sister staring at her death spurs me forward and I quickly roundhouse kick the demon currently attacking me and launch forward. I grab onto one of the demons shoulders just as it lunges at my sister's body. Lilianna lets out a relieved sigh and tackles the other demon onto the unforgiving ground. I could care less as blood leaks from their head, knowing very well the human trapped in there is now gone as well.

I don't even care as I slip the hidden dagger from my hand and quickly stab the demon's shoulder. The demon lets out a cry as I pierce his skin and falls back on the ground his eyes flowing back to a beautiful blue. I wince before getting up and noticing Theo. He is surrounded by my closest friends.

Zeuxis is moving in blurs as he punches endless demons. Azrael has taken the form of a huge wolf and is growling and snarling, kicking up mud as he attacks all demons around him. And Theo...he looks horrifying. His face is masked by the black force and his familiar cloak slips over him perfectly. It protects him from oncoming hits, moving in ways that show the cloak is alive. It's blocking and moving around Theo as he punches a demon, a green glow fading from every demon he touches. I know he is throwing the demons into Hell with each green glow, but it makes me uneasy to see him letting the once-possessed humans go. I feel as if none should escape.

I quickly run over to my best friends and catch a fist that was flying toward Zeuxis' face. He turns around with a slight frown but brightens when he sees me. I send him a little smile before sending my fist down on the man's elbow. It cracks underneath my hand and he falls into a squealing heap on the ground. I just kick him until a green glow floods from him. I look up to see Theo pressing his hands to the man's ankle. I stop immediately as I realize I've been hitting a human.

"Here," Thaddeus suddenly appears beside me. He places his hands on the man's chest and the man suddenly gasps to life. His eyes are wide before he turns and darts through the trees in the same direction as every other.

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