An Epilogue to the Epilogue

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MY HEART HAMMERS heavily in my chest as the stallion under me runs at a full canter. I turn to give a glance behind me. The dark shadow that races after me causes me to dig my heels further into the horse's sides, despite the glee forming in my stomach. 

I watch as his sprawling wings flap mightily against the wind. He looks like an angel, ironically so. A dark, fallen angel.

It's so odd that he's actually the God of Death himself.

I giggle on the horses back before spreading my wings. The air immediately catches under them and I go flying back to Theodisious' arms. He catches me as always, hands wrapping around my torso in a tight grip. I smile before curving my wings inward, halting his movements.

The branches seem so far down to me as we race upward then. My wings pound powerfully at my back, thankful to be free. They guide me into a spiral up. I go up...up...I twist downward, my wings coming up to circle my sides.

Once I reach the bottom of the clouds, they stretch out like beautiful fans and hoist me back into the sky. The iridescent feathers, those much like a ravens', catch the sun and glow like a bubble.

As if it can feel my happiness, the sun rains down on me. It gives me warmth and light that was once so far away.

"Pumpkin," his voice is in my ear. Theo grabs the tips of my wings and runs his fingers along the top. Since my wings are still technically new, they are sensitive like a baby. And Theo, the sly God, knows it.

"Theo," I giggle out, pushing at his hard chest. He grows a wide grin before I roll my eyes. "It's not polite to go snooping in someone's dreams," I scold. He just shrugs ruefully, throwing on a smile that makes my cheeks warm. Theo is so beautiful.

He looks like...well a God. He decided to give himself a longer hairstyle, in a way that reminds me of Damon from The Vampire Diaries. Oh, Grim, he's actually hotter. <see what I did there- jess>

His perfect smile lights up the clouds more than the sun ever could. As if hearing that and insulted, the sun suddenly disappears and a dark night takes its place. The skies above me twinkle with northern lights and the milky way. I let out a gasp. My eyes gorge on the beautiful sight above me.

Theo laughs, "You're glowing."

I turn to him with a little snicker, rolling my eyes again. "It must be all your "God powers," I tease. "You remember how Hercules started glowing...? Yeah, that's like you."

Grim just throws a hand up to his forehead and shakes his head. "And this...this is why I fell in love with you." He nuzzles into my side, wings curling around mine.

Since this is a dreamland, we float without needing to fly.

Suddenly, everything is ripped from my sights and I'm met with a blinding light. It takes me a moment to understand that that blinding light is indeed my ceiling fan. I gasp up, turning to glare evilly at my sister. Ravenna pulls on a huge smile before grabbing my arm and practically ripping me out of bed. My wings burst out as well, scared from the sudden action.

Ravenna only squeaks in surprise. "You scared me!"

"What do you mean?" I ask, tiredly running my hands through my hair. I look in the mirror across from me and frown at the rumbled mess.

"You were asleep for like, hours."

I blink slowly at her before readjusting my wings, wincing as I force them back into the skin on my back. They melt into my body, like dissolving candy floss in water. Soon there is no sign of them.

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