I'll Miss You

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"Jonathan RUN!" Edward yelled as he threw a rock at Batman, 

"NO, STAY AWAY FROM HIM!" Edward yelled again grabbing Batman's arm trying to get him to stay away from the beat up Jonathan on the floor, "Please stay away from him, he needs a hospital, you broke his ribs, take me to Arkham and take him to the hospital," Edward begged.

"Fine, get in the back," Batman said picking up Jonathan's lifeless body and throwing him into the back of the Batmobile, Edward took hold of Jonathan's hand tightly, he also tried cleaning Jonathan's face with his shirt, but it wasn't working. the door opened Batman ripped Jonathan away from Edward leaving him a crying mess, seconds later the car started to move as Edward was going to Arkham Asylum.

"Nygma, why did you tell me to stay away from him," 

"I just didn't want you to hurt him more," 


"what three words are said too, yet not enough?"

"I don't care,"

"I love you, is the answer, I love Jonathan,"

"we're here," 

Batman got out of the car and dragged Edward into the building, he dragged Edward through Arkham and to his cell, Edward curled up on the shitty bed.

"I love you, Jonathan, I'll miss you," Edward whispered as he fell asleep thinking of Jonathan.

Hey, so this one is short hope you guys enjoyed if you have any ideas just comment.

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