Riddle Me This Lover

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Jonathan Crane and Edward Nygma sat in the office on two different desks. One twists a pen between his fingers trying to think of riddles while the other is writing chemical formulas, they sat there for hours on end,

"Some like me Blonde, some like me brown. Some like me sweet, some like me bitter. Some like me hot, some like me cold what am I, Jon" 

"Yes, Edward I would love a cup,"

"Jonathan I was looking for an answer,"

Jonathan looked at Edward, he was saying more riddles, Jonathan thought that if he didn't give an answer than he would stop, Edward looked into Jonathan's cold beautiful blue eyes, 

"Edward, you're saying more riddles than you use to, is everything okay," Jonathan asked

"I am not, and everything is okay," Edward looked away from him, "Jonathan you would be the first person to know if I was not okay,"

Jonathan sat back in his chair watching Edward walk away,

He's not okay, just gas him and move on

"I will not gas him and move on Scarecrow, I will never hurt him," Jonathan gritted through his teeth hoping that Edward could not hear but he can,

Gas him, gas him, gas him 

Jonathan closed his eyes and leaned his head on his desk waiting for Scarecrow to stop chanting 'Gas him' in his mind,

"Are you okay Jon," Edward asked standing in the doorway with two cups of tea, Jonathan sat up fast and looked at Edward,


"What's he saying,"

"I should gas you,"

"Will you,"

"No, I would never,"

"Sure you wouldn't," 

"Edward really,"

"No just kidding I know you never would, I need to tell you something,"

"What is it, Eddie,"

"I- I can't, I don't k-know how to s-say it," Edward pit Jon's cup down and walked out of the room, Edward closed and locked his bedroom door,

"Edward," Jonathan ran after him 

"I'm scared!" Edward yelling sitting against the door,

"Edward tell me, is it Scarecrow, he won't hurt you,"


"Edward tell me, please open up," Edward unlocked the door and hugged Jonathan crying into his jumper, Jonathan hugged Edward back and kissed his hair, Jonathan looked Edward in his eyes, Jonathan's eyes started to water up, "Please tell me what is wrong Edward,"

"I'm just on edge,"


"It's the Joker he needs me to do something for him and if I don't, he's gonna hurt you," Edward started to cry more and his breathing started to get quicker,

"It's okay, calm down, Edward calm down now," Jonathan helped Edward to the ground as they sat there, "Tell me what you have to do,"

"He never said, he says I have to help him or else,"

"Edward you have to do it, you have to," Jonathan wiped away Edward's tears and stood up walking inside there room,

"What are you doing," Edward turned around and saw Jonathan calling someone, he handed the phone to Edward,

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