Gotham Is Known for Rainy days

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"Edward, you home," Jonathan said walking into their abandoned building and placing the drenched umbrella close to the door,

"I'm upstairs," Edward said, Jonathan started to walk up the stairs of the warehouse and walked into their room, only to find Edward huddled underneath the covers in their bed,

"What are you doing Mr Nashton," Jonathan said with a smile as he started to get changed out of his wet clothes,

"It's Nygma," Edward said pulling the covers closer to him, "It's cold out I'm trying to warm up,"

"Would you like me to make you some tea or coffee," Jonathan looked at Edward "Hot chocolate,"

"I'm not a child Jon," Edward said in reply, "I don't need hot chocolates anymore,"

"So you don't want one with marshmallows," Jonathan sat on the bed and looked Edward in the eyes, "Sure you don't want one, we'll share one,"

"You're going to make one aren't you," 

"What is it that the Riddler does in a Gotham storm anyway," Jonathan gave Edward a kiss "Because I like to sit in bed and read a book while drinking a hot chocolate with my boyfriend at my side," after Jonathan said the last part Edward started to blush, "What's wrong, Eddie,"

"You... you have never said it out loud before," Edward said looking up and staring into Jonathan's eyes,

"That I like hot chocolate?" Jonathan questioned back making Edward laugh,

"No, that I'm your boyfriend," once Edward said it, Jonathan gave him a kiss and picked him up bridal style, still wrapped in his blanket and carried him to the kitchen. They cuddled on the could, drunk hot chocolate and watched the rain on the window.

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