Jonathan gets sick

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Edward Nygma walked into the apartment and heard the sound of someone throwing up, he dropped the bag he was holding and ran to the bathroom he saw Jonathan hunched over the toilet,

"So I guess your day was good," Edward said leaning against the doorframe, Jonathan, who is still throwing up, found the energy to give Edward the middle finger, Edward laughed in response and patted Jonathan's back, "I'll make you some toast with butter,"

Jonathan leaned against the wall and flushing the toilet, Edward started to butter the toast when Jonathan walked into the kitchen looking paler and thinner than normal,

"Have you eaten today, Spook," Edward looked at Jonathan and he shook his head, "Not a thing," he shook his head again,

"I'm not hungry," Jonathan picked up the coffee cup and poured more into the cup,

"Jonathan no more," Edward took the cup and started to drink it,

"I don't have the energy for this," Jonathan said leaning on the counter looking like he was about to faint,

"For what, just let me help you,"

"..." Jonathan looked at him and his eyes started to water,

"Oh Jonathan, come here," Edward walked to him with his arms open and wrapping them around Jonathan, he cried into Edward's green question marked suit jacket "Jon are you okay," Edward felt Jonathan shake his head,

"Scarecrow, he's just annoying, telling me to stop eating," Edward pulled away to look at Jonathan,

"Don't listen to him, you need food, you look pale,"

"I'm sick," Jonathan cut in,

"and thinner," Jonathan glared at Edward and pushed the auburn haired man away,

"What did you just say," Jonathan said gritting his teeth, Edward just realised what he said, Edward knew never to mention how lanky and scarecrow-like Jonathan looked,

"I'm sorry Jon, I didn't mean to say that, you just look worse than normal, no that's not right," Edward's breathing started to quicken,

"Don't worry, I stopped hating myself when I was in grade 10," Jonathan walked away from Edward and went to the bedroom, Edward put the toast on a plate and followed after him,

"Jonny, can you at least eat something," Edward sat next to Jonathan on the bed and handed him the plate, "I'm really sorry Jonathan, I forgot I can't mention it," Jonathan wrapped his arm around Edward as he started to eat the toast,

"Thank you for helping me,"

"Jon, your my boyfriend, I have to look after you," Jonathan said nothing but gave Edward a hug, "I love you, Jonathan,"

"I love you too," Edward gave Jonathan a kiss on the cheek,

"I'm really sorry, can you forgive me for saying that you look..." Edward trailed off and looked at Jonathan,

"What do you think I love you too, means Riddles,"

"Okay, just checking that you weren't mad," Edward gave Jonathan a playful smile, Jonathan finished eating and got changed into pj's and laid down in bed,

"Eddie, you don't have to sleep here tonight if you don't want to get sick," Edward climbed into bed,

"Jonny, I want to hug you in the middle of the night," after Edward said that Jonathan smiled and snuggled into Edward as they both drifted off to sleep.

>if anyone has ideas for this duo just comment and I'll write it<

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