Midnight Dancing

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Edward waited for Jonathan to come home from testing his new toxin, Edward started to worry when Jonathan didn't come home, he walked into the kitchen and made a cup of tea, Edward got cold so he put on Jonathan's Gotham Univerity jumper with the name Jonathan Crane on the back, it was close to midnight and Edward waited the door opened and Jonathan walked in,

"Where have you been, I was worried," Edward asked giving him a hug

"It's okay I was just out," Jonathan gave Edward a kiss on the top of his head, "Eddie,"

"Yes, Jon,"

"Why are you wearing my jumper,"

"I got cold,"

"I know a way to warm you up,"

"What is it," Jonathan grabbed Edwards hand and spun him around and back to him,

"Would you like to dance," at that time Edward looked at Jonathan and saw his eyes, they weren't his normal cold blue they were light brown,

"Scarecrow," Edward said moving away from him, Edward hated Scarecrow he always ignored him, but Scarecrow loved Edward,

"No please don't walk away," Scarecrow grabbed Edward by his arm pulling him back, "Please just have one dance with me," Edward looked at him again and shivered, he was cold and dancing would make him warmer,

"Fine, one dance," Edward wanted to look at Jonathan's blue eyes, but he couldn't, they swayed side to side, holding each other and then Scarecrow showed him something even Edward didn't know that Jonathan had, a voice,

"There was snow
There was snow, stretched for miles and more
Where we buried
Where we buried our souls" Edward looked at Scarecrow in awe, his voice sounded amazing 

"Oh I long, oh I long for them days
Left and gone
Where we sang and where danced, to a brighter song" Edward couldn't believe Jonathan had this voice that he first heard from Scarecrow,

"But now I look upon a field with bodies stretched out
And I feel nothing
But something's burning in my soul, I let it lose control, and I'm in, oh God I've sinned," Edward couldn't take it anymore he pulled away,

"Scarecrow I don't care if you love me, I don't love you, or like you, I don't want to be around you, just give me back Jonathan," Edward asked, for the first time Scarecrow just let Jonathan back out, Edward walked away and slammed the door leaving Jonathan confused at what happened,

"Edward, what happened," Jonathan asked knocking on the door, Edward walked out and looked into his eyes and saw blue,

"Scarecrow was out and we danced for thirty seconds," 


"And Scarecrow sung, I didn't know you had a voice, Jonathan,"

"I know, I should have told you, but I didn't,"

'Dance with him Jonny-boy' Scarecrow said suddenly and loudly making Jonathan flinch,

"What's he saying,"

"To finish our dance,"

"Will you sing,"


Jonathan and Edward dancing to Jonathan singing the rest of the song,

"We should go to bed," Jonathan said

"Yes lets," Edward pulled Jonathan onto the bed, he fell on top of Jonathan and kissed him, Edward snuggled against him and they both fell asleep.

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