Aloe Vera

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"Here's your drink" I say remembering the square plastic bottle in my day Pack .

"This ones my favorite flavor. Charlie likes the strawberry I think it's too artificial" harry takes the drink popping the seal.

His eyes widen, "what's floating in it?" He mumbles with a mouthful. It's the funniest thing ever in my opinion. I end up nearly falling over from laughter.

"It's pulp it won't kill you" I say through laughs and he swallows. "I thought it was bugs" he laughs at himself.

"I don't think I would give you something that's been contaminated. I like to chew it" I shrug and he tries the new technique his eyes lighting up.

"Poof" I say making an explosion gesture with my hands. "Have you heard about the school ski trip?" He takes another sip and I open my drink.

"No I haven't" I honestly hadn't. "It's in December but we're supposed to be going to the mountains for a week." He smacks his lips.

"My mom was an excellent skier" I say. Her and my dad would often spend their anniversary in Colorado while my grandparents watched us.

"You said was. Is she no longer with you?" He showed sympathy something I'd never seen from him even if we've only been "dating" for a few weeks.

"No she passed away when I was eleven. Yeah" I nod. Harry puts his arm around me. "Sorry to hear that."

"Thank you"

Harry and I continue walking down the street drinking aloe Vera juice and talking about just about anything.

When we return to my house he walks me to the door.

"See ya later Salem" the phrase had grown to be my favorite saying.


The next morning I drive myself and Charlie to school. Harry texted and said he had a doctors appointment early that morning and he wouldn't be around until second block.

"Hey Salem" Harry wraps his arms around my shoulders. "Hey" I hold his arms in place before turning around.

"Is it bad to say I had a hard time function this morning?"

"Why cause I wasn't here?" He raises and eyebrow cockily. "It was like I was missing something." I reassure.

"Falling for me already?" I nudge him away. "Not quite. We still haven't watched 16 candles and it was on the contract" I whisper the last bit.

"You free tonight?" He asks putting his hand in my back pocket something we were so familiar with it was no longer awkward.

"Yeah my dad would've probably asked you over for dinner. Come by around 7" the bell interrupts our encounter. "I'll be there see ya later Salem" Harry kisses my cheek and catches up with his lacrosse mates.

I sigh happily and go to my locker to grab my supplies for biology.

"You know he's not as nice as he makes it seem" it was Gia.

"What do you mean?" I ask not really caring. I pretend to be confused as I take the lock from the locker rings.

I swiftly open it and a folded paper falls out.

One of Harry's notes

I had started another collection. I knew I should've but I did. It was Harrys notes. I stored them in my bedroom trash can.

Gia scoffs her eyes are now glazed over. she looks at the warm yellow paper in my hands, "Nevermind" as she walks away she bumps my shoulder.

Your doing great Briggs :)

Harry. X

Junior Year / {HS/POC} ✔️Where stories live. Discover now