Alex's Bravery |Estelle's POV|

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My heart stopped. Prince Alexander Shalom Schreave was fighting a rebel. He was the heir to the throne and he was risking it all.

How dumb was he?

"Mom, why didn't you help? Interfere? He's the damn Prince!" I scream.

"Estelle! He had to or your father would've died!" Mom says.

My heart sank. I was a complete daddy's girl. I went to him with everything, boy problems, stress, being Princess, royalty, everything. If he died....

"Your Majesty, His highness is back." A guard says revealing a beaten Alex.

I ran over and hugged him feeling him wince under my arms.

"Essy, I love you too but I'm bruised so badly, hugging is the last thing I need." Alex says.

I laughed a stressed laugh before allowing my parents to give him their two cents.

"Oh my Alex. What did that rebel do to you?" My mother gushed at Alex. I saw him roll his eyes and I couldn't help but stifle a laugh. He shot me a glare telling me to shut my mouth.

"Estelle?" My little sister said tapping me on the back.

My little sister Amanda was nothing short of perfection. She had long pale blonde hair with Crystal blue eyes. Her high cheekbones made her smile gorgeous and I noticed all the guards seem to melt when she's in view. She was only 16 but was 5'8 and it surely complimented her almost perfect figure.

She was supposedly dating the Prince of Belgium, and there was rumors he was planning to propose.

"Yes Mandy?" I say turning to her perfect smile.

"Is Alex going to be alright?" She asked.

Another thing, she had a selfless personality. She almost died for me when she was 13 because she jumped in front of a southern rebel shot.

"He'll be fine, Mandy. Just a few bruises and cuts. Nothing major. What about you? Did you get anything on the way here to mess up your perfect self?" I joked.

"Estelle, stop complimenting me. I hate it when you make me sound better then you. You are so perfect." Mandy insisted.

I was perfect? I had flame red hair that dropped to the middle of my back. My chocolate brown eyes always seemed so dull but did sparkle when Freddy was around. My 6'1 height gave my figure some sort or prettiness but not nearly as much as Mandy's did.

"Alright alright. But don't you worry." I say.

"Princess Estelle, Princess Amanda, your presences are requested by Her Majesty." A guard labeled Officer Henly said pointing towards a room in the safe.

"Alright Alex go ahead and explain what happened." Mom sobbed out.

"Alright, so I was walking from the meeting room to my room when I heard the alarm. I raced downstairs and saw a rebel approaching Father. I tackled the rebel and he kept hitting me with the butt of his gun. Never shot me however.

Then the rebel said "you will make a perfect protector for my commanders daughter." And of course, I was caught off-guard by this comment. He swung at me but I luckily snatched his gun when he was swinging and shot him dead. I then came here." Alex explained out of breath.

Amanda and I stared at each other surprised at Alex's words. He just explained that he KILLED a rebel when he heard important news like that.

"It's something different and definitely a lead. We know they want to take over the monarchy but this is something new." My father said exasperated.

"Your Majesties we found something in the pocket of the rebel that was attacking his highness." A guard said.

I went over and took the piece of paper. It read:

Operation Get Prince Alex

Details: Capture Prince Alexander Schreave and get him to marry Isabelle Urkan. Then she will become Queen and the mission will be achieved.

Plan B: Rig Selection to get Isabelle into the selection. Give her leads on the Prince so he chooses her. She becomes Queen and the mission will be achieved.

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