Chapter Two

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"S-S-Sabre?" I gulp hard.
If this truly is Sabre than I don't know what to do. It's bad enough that I actually survived the explosion!
"Oh my Gosh yes! Elemental Steve you're alive?"
Oh Notch. "Oh no!" I gasp. "Oh nonono. Out of all the things that has to happen to me THIS has to be one of them?"
"What do you mean?" Sabre asks confused. "Elemental Steve are you alright? What happened to you? HOW ARE HERE!"
"I-uh..." I stuttered. How do I talk to him? Is he mad at me still? I- no. He has to be mad at me still. Wouldn't he be trying to hurt me by now though? Now that I think about it, how am I hurt so easily here? Where am I? "Sabre... where am I? What happened?" I ask stuttering more.
"Well..." Sabre starts. "That's actually a good question... how do I explain that? Well you're not in the steve realm I can tell you that."
I just noticed that Sabre isn't in his... usual look, "aren't you dressed differently from how you are now?"
"Oh?" Sabre is a little nervous. "That's also very hard to explain... you know what? We should take this somewhere else. Would you mind coming into my house again?"
"Wh-What?" I scoot away a little.
"Elemental Steve it's Okay," he attempts to reassure. "My house is safe to go into. It-It's like my base of operation."
"But what about all those... things surrounding me?" I ask not knowing their names.
"The consoles?" Sabre mutters under his breath. "Oh those thing are harmless. Don't worry about them. They aren't traps, alive, or something other than that. I use them all the time."
I shiver a little from the cold air outside. The sun is slowly going down; Casting a large shadow behind me.
"Elemental Steve," Sabre calls. "It's okay, I can treat you cuts and burns and get you more comfortable. If you want we can talk all this out inside. All you have to do is trust me."
"How are you so calm?" I question. "I'm the steve that ruined your life. Shouldn't you be mad at me?"
"You have a point there," he answers. "Don't get me wrong I still hate you, but at the same time I want answers. I want to actually know you, and not the one that lied to me." I look down in shame. "So please," Sabre asks again. "Can we take this inside?"
I Inhale hard and sigh. "Okay..."


It's warm inside. Not as warm as the in-between, but it's warm. I'm sitting on furniture that Sabre calls a couch. It is like a bed but different.
"Here," Sabre hands me something fuzzy.
"What is that?" I ask hesitantly.
"It's a blanket," he explains. "You put it on and it keeps you warm. Would you like to use it?"
"I guess?" I take the blanket and figure I have to cover myself with it, so I do just that wrapping the "blanket" Around me. Sabre isn't wrong. It is warm.
"Do you want me to treat the wounds now?" Sabre asks pointing to my cut on my leg.
"Uh... later," I answer hiding it with the blanket.
"Okay. How about something to drink." He continues to offer. "I got water, pop, tea, coffe-."
"Tea?" I ask remembering Sabre talking about this tea once.
"Oh ya I mentioned tea a while ago to you," Sabre remembers. "Tea is like water, but hot and flavoured. If that makes sense to you?"
"I...I don't understand what you mean by "flavoured"," I admit. "But I guess I can try Tea."
"If you want," Sabre says. "I don't have a lot but I do have lemon tea."
"Okay?" I agree not having a clue of what lemon is.
Sabre walks behind me to a kitchen, at least I know what that is here. All of this is so unusual to me. I've never seen so many houses in one place before. This... body is weird to. I can move more freely and... What are these things on my hands? What is going on with my legs? Wait... since when am I able to even see them!
"I am not going to get used to this," I comment.
"Sorry?" Sabre asks from the kitchen.
"This... form. It is so complicated. Might I ask; What am I wearing?"
"They're called clothes Elemental Steve," Sabre explains. "They cover your body. I guess you didn't need to worry about that in Minecraft huh."
"Minecraft?" I ask.
"I'll explain that a little later," Sabre walks back with a... bottle? I've never seen a bottle like that. Where does the cork go? Is it a bucket? "Here you go," Sabre offers the bucket thing. "This is your tea."
"Thank you..." I thank trying to figure this bucket thing out.
"Oh that's a mug," he notices me struggling. "You put your hands around it and use the handle there to keep it in place."
"Okay, thank you," I chuckle a little with embarrassment. I take my first sip of tea. It's incredibly hot, but I manage it. It is also a taste I've never tasted before. I can't describe it. It's not sweet like sugar.
"Is it sour?" Sabre asks watching me from another couch facing me.
"Is that what the taste is called? "Sour"?" I ask.
"Yeah!" Sabre chuckles.
"Then I guess so," I feel more embarrassed. "It's good though."
"Heh," Sabre chuckles a little more; Before growing serious. "So Elemental Steve?"
"Yes Sabre?" I ask nervous.
"Can I ask you a few questions?"
I think about it for a moment before giving Sabre a nod of approval.
"Do you know how you got here?"
I shake my head no.
"Not at all?" Sabre continues.
"No," I verbally answer. "I'm sorry."
"I just find it so bizarre that you're actually here!" Sabre frowned. "Do you remember what happened at the machine?"
"All too well," I sigh. "The place was falling apart. The magma blocks supporting the walls were collapsing, and what I thought was the end of me was white light engulfing me, and the machine around me."
"Light huh," Sabre says. "Did it hurt you?"
"Yes," I answer. "That is how I got this burn."
"How did it only hurt your right arm?" He asks.
"It hit my arm first I believe," I assume. "The Light was supposed to kill me but it was too late?"
"So the light wasn't the source of you here..." Sabre thinks. "Maybe you being here has to do with who you are."
"What do you mean," I question sipping from the tea.
"Well you're Elemental Steve. Master of dimensions. What if you accidentally brought yourself here," Sabre thinks. "What if you're like Rainbow Steve! When he gets scared enough he teleports to a random area. What if you did the same thing but stronger!"
"But Sabre... I wasn't scared," I sigh.
"You weren't?" He asks. "Then... maybe it was some sort of defence mechanism?"
"Maybe..."  I yawn. Sabre suddenly gets up and looks to his right. I look that way too to see a clock on the wall. It was late.
"Jeez," Sabre frowns. "We've been talking for a while. It's already 8:00pm. That isn't so late though." Sabre looks at me noticing that I am a tad droopy, "but you've had a rough day... you want to go to bed now?"
"I haven't been sleeping for a few days..." I admit.
"It's fine," Sabre forces to smile. "Don't worry. You need your rest. Apparently I don't have the guest room set up though... it's really messy there. Would you be alright sleeping on the couch?"
"I guess so," I reply hesitantly. "It is quite comfy."
"Okay. I'll go get more pillows and blankets," Sabre walks off. While I wait for Sabre I finish my tea and think. Think long and hard on what I've done. I grow more and more ashamed of myself as seconds pass.
"Here we go," Sabre comes back hands full. "I hope this is enough."
"I'm sure it's plenty," I smile. "And that rectangle there is a pillow?"
"Oh ya," he points to the soft pillow. "You rest your head on it. Hey would you mind getting up so I can set up the couch for you?"
"Not at all," I agree standing up. It doesn't take long for Sabre to finish setting up the couch. The couch almost looks like the beds from where I'm from, but with that one large cushion facing upwards.
"Okay all set," Sabre announces. "Just throw the blankets over you and fall asleep."
"Thank you Sabre," I thank settling in. "You've really done too much for me today."
"No problem," Sabre answers. "I'll see you in the morning."
"Okay. Good night."
With that Sabre turned off the lights leaving me in the dark room.
Alone with my thoughts.


I hope you like how I've set this story up. It's all in present tense, and the chapters shift from Sabre to Elemental Steve. I'm still working out the plot. I also still don't know Sabre's life all that well. Can you please give me a small description? Thanks! Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Bye bye!!

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