Chapter Twelve

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   I feel a hot burning feeling in my stomach... A feeling I've known since I got here, but this time it's different. My sweater feels wet and I slowly look down to see the red stain form just to the right where my belly button should be. My breathing hitches and shakes the more I stare at it.
I look back up at Memory. His eyes through the mask go from an angry glare to a gaze of concern. It's hard to focus though with the burning feeling growing throughout my body. Quickly I lose my balance and fall back.
   "ELEMENTAL!" I hear Sabre scream from behind me. Quickly he throws his arms under my own and catches me. "Oh god... o-oh god no..." He quickly gets my hoodie off which hurts to do and puts it under my back where I feel it soak even more. I look down again at my stomach where my shirt teared enough from the blow to see the wound.
I've been shot...
Memory shakes his head to regain his focus and aims his gun again. This time I see it point above me and at Sabre.
"Please... d-don't..." I feel Sabre shake behind me. He braces for another gun shot and looks away. Instead of a bang though all I hear is a click. Memory looks back at the gun and jiggles it around until eventually we start to hear sirens. At that moment memory makes a run for it in a panic.

It was then when I start to feel light headed and loose focus.
"Hey, Hey Ele! Stay with me okay? Stay with me!" Sabre slapped my face a little to keep me awake. He started yelling for help after that. My breathing gets heavier, my hearing gets dense, and I start to fall in and out of consciousness... I can make out two more people with Sabre... I feel myself being lifted up, and soon the sound of a motor from a car... it gets dark by then...


I wake up to the sound of a reppeating beep. I still feel the pain in my stomach, but it's less intense from last time. What was last time again..?
Slowly I open my eyes and I'm greeted to a white room all neatly painted and organized. On the ceiling there's a fan slowly spinning around and failing to provide wind. There are white curtains on my left and right with one of them folded out. The furniture inside, like my bed is also white. The only coloured thing in the room apart from me is a leather brown chair to my left that stands out.
As I slowly sit myself up I feel something tug against my arm. I look down and see a small tube stuck there with something plastic. I remember Sabre telling me what they were from a movie night, but I can't remember the name well. I know it's important however so I leave it alone. The tube on my arm isn't the only tube. There's another one connecting to my nose and over my ears. That one I take off since it was easy to.
Once I sit up the white covers on the bed fall off my chest and I can see bandages surrounding my body. Closer to my chest it's all white and clean, but lower down I see specs of brown that build up to a larger redder brown spot. I don't dare examine it.
"Hello...?" I call out softly, holding my stomach in discomfort. I get no answer. I do hear a faint muffled conversation on the other side of the room. I can't see anything though due to there being curtains blocking my view. "Hello? Is anyone there?" I call out more clearly. The voices stop. I hear a door swing open and Sabre running in from behind the curtain in a state of panic. The panic quickly washes away once we make eye contact.
"Oh thank god..." Sabre rushes to my bed and hugs me. A sharp pain runs up my body from the contact but I hold it in for his sake... then he starts shaking me by the shoulders, "DON'T EVER SCARE ME LIKE THAT AGAIN!"
"OW OW SABRE STOP!" I yell at him as he only makes the pain worse.
He let's go and I hold my gut thinking that'll help, "s-sorry..." Sabre apologizes.
"It's okay..." I force a smile for him, "where am I...?"
"You're at the hospital..." Sabre sighed, "you were out for a long time. The doctors said they'd estimate you'd be asleep for a week at least because of getting shot..."
At that moment I remembered why I felt pain. It all started flooding back to me. The burning feeling, the sirens, the look in Memory's face...
"How long was I out?" I ask Sabre nervous of the answer.
"Almost a day..." Sabre looks upset.
I tilt my head at him, "that's not so bad."
"Well yeah! But I'm worried about why you're up so early," Sabre explained, "I mean... you're not like us. Your eyes glow and you told me this morning you broke the door knob with your bare hand! What if the doctors get suspicious!"
"W-well did they find anything out while I was asleep?" I ask starting to get worried too.
"Well... no.. in fact they did emergency surgery on you and didn't say anything about your insides so at least that's normal," Sabre points out. Despite the gratification that I look normal physically, I was more focused on the surgery he mentioned.
"I had surgery?" I perk up.
"Oh! Yeah you did!" Sabre distracts himself from the previous topic, "they had to stitch a few things up, but thank goodness nothing major was hit in you.... either Memory is a really bad shot or he meant to do that."
The sound of a door clicked and swung open from behind the curtain. Sabre and I look back to see what I assume is a doctor in a teal shirt and pants standing by the wall.
"Well you're up early," he says surprised.
Sabre replies defensive, "Y-yeah! He's always been able to walk things off."
"Well it's good you're up and about mr..." the doctor looks down at a checkboard.
"I-it's Elliot," Sabre responds again nervously.
The doctor looks up at us, "Is there a last name to that?" I look at Sabre frightened. We never though up a last name.. and we haven't gotten very far into hiding my true identity in this world.
Sabre thought up of something on the spot, "Stephen! It's Elliot Stephen.."
"Alright.. We'll sign you into the hospital Mr. Stephen so you can fill out your future papers.." the doctor wrote something down. I could see Sabre sweating, but I don't know why since we seemed to have gotten away with our lie. "Now I can see you two are very overwhelmed from today, but there are some officers that need to ask a few questions from you."
Sabre sighs, "Sure. Go on and get them." The doctor leave to get the police and just as we hear the door click Sabre turns to me. "Okay Elemental. I got a few questions myself, but we need to set some rules."
"Um... okay?" I shift in the bed a little.
Sabre explains, "The officers will ask if you know Memory, you need to tell them what you can. But whatever you do, don't tell them where you're both from. They'll at least think you're crazy and not take you seriously."
"I understand Sabre," I tell Sabre already forming a speech in my mind. This was something I was good at. I consider myself a compulsive liar if the skill is needed.
The officers come in and I tell them what I can. I make up this story to sound realistic to them that he was a work buddy of mine. I add a dash of Business related things but say it was just him and me. I also say that we got into a fight that ended our partnership which prompts him to hunt me down. It's a bit of a stretch rom the truth, but Sabre seems impressed so I stick with the story as the officers took notes.
"And you said he wears a mask?" The offers ask when I give them a description.
"Yes, please don't take it off though. He... he can get hostile when people look at his face," I exaggerate. I don't know if Memory has his powers here. I don't know how long he's been here or how fast he regains his energy, but I don't want to take any chances with him.
Around the same time I request that some more police walk in asking to speak with the others. They leave the room leaving me and Sabre gets up and puts his head against the wall to listen the conversation. I can hear from my distance as well but not as great. A lot of the dialogue is muffled but one of the officers I hear gets angry.
"What do you mean you don't remember!" I hear him scream. Sabre and I freeze realizing what that means. I don't know how Sabre knows but unfortunately he does. Memory still has his powers.
"So work buddies huh?" Sabre asks.
"Yeah..." I look down, "he and I used to work against you. He must have snapped when he saw me protecting you.."
   Sabre pats my back, "don't feel bad! You're doing the right thing." I smile at him happy to see he's not mad at me. "Well I gotta head back home."
   "You're leaving me here?" I ask worried.
   "No," Sabre answered, "I'm leaving you here with Ryan!"
   I froze, "what." I like Ryan. He's fun and out going ever since he started coming over for Sabre's live videos, but sometimes he can be a bit too....
   Suddenly the door swings open and Ryan bolts into the room as if he was waiting for someone to say his name, "ELE!" He screams and lunges at me full speed.
   "NONONORYANWAIT-" I yell before Ryan pulls me into the most tightest and painful hug I've ever experienced. Like I was saying... Ryan can be a bit too emotional...
   "Ryan let go you're hurting him!" Sabre attempted to pry him off me. Ryan went on for about 3 minutes before nurses had to help remove him.


Sabre eventually left Ryan with me to go make another video from my world. He's been passed out on the chair next to me for a few hours now. I've been trying to get some sleep but it's been hard. The pain may be subsiding from the health potions but it hasn't gone away. I just stare up at the ceiling fan as it gently spins to pass the time and hopefully drift off to sleep.
Suddenly there's a sound that fills the room. The sound of the door clicking and just slightly creeping open.
   I sit up and face the door's direction, "hello...?"  It's dark, but I can just make out a man with a red tie... and a mask on.
   "Scream and I'll shoot your friend there," memory says not even worried about waking Ryan up. I really wish he wasn't a heavy sleeper right now.
   I tense but keep my composure, "you here to finish the job?"
   "You wish," memory leans against the wall, "if I were you I'd kill myself before he does it for me."
   " well 'he' isn't here," I rebuttal, "and I don't want to hear about him anymore.."
   "Elemental I'm doing you a favour here. You're gonna pay for these mistakes you've made," he growls at me.
   I just stare at him, "... how did you get here anyways? Is there a way to get back?"
   "That's none of your concern," he ignores the question.
   "Heh, Sabre killed you didn't he," I chuckle confidently to get on his nerves, "Sabre was talking to me about defeating a Steve recently. I'm guessing the only way to get here is to die huh?"
   "Oh so naive as always..." memory walks closer to me, "I'm warning you runt. He's coming for you, and Sabre. When he gets here I'm not standing up for you-."
   "I don't need you or anyone's protection Memory!" I snap fed up with him, "I don't need you high and mighty advice either. I need you to chunking leave us alone. Now get out of my room before the police find you!" The room is silent once again. Memory footprints come to a halt at my bedside when I snap.
A car passes by the window and lights up the room with its headlights. Memory takes his mask off in front of me. I know full well he can wipe memories on command, and staring him down like this just proves my point. The light from the window shines on his pale paper like face. His expression is nothing but rage.
   "Don't say I didn't warn you then," memory starts to walk back to the door, "oh and Elemental? Next time don't snitch on a former partner. I can guarantee next time I won't be so merciful..." with a click of the door he's gone. My muscles finally have the chance to rest as I slouch back.
Rubbing my forehead to find myself sweating at this point I recollect my thoughts I realize Memory might be right. What if he does come for us? Sabre can take care of himself in my world, but in this one even I can't. Maybe it's about time I find a way for myself...


Look at me I'm alive! Yeah yeah I know I'm sorry I'm like this. Losing motivation is just so easy. Especially with Monday Memes. But don't worry! I'll never discontinue a book! Put it on hold absolutely but at the very least I'll just remake it. I've been considering remaking Herobrine's Assistant for some time now to make it a bit more to my mature liking. But not right now. Reality Check is my top priority here.

I have a favour to ask of you all though. You know how my Elemental Senpai bean is reborn in Rainbow Quest? Well you may also know how he has no voice. Don't get me wrong Elemental is amazing even without his voice and he's developing so well, but how would you like that little voice back?~

This here is a link to my "Bring Back Elemental Steve's Voice" petition. If you love Elemental's original voice consider signing! If you don't think you can sign, or just don't want to, share it! Please guys 10 signatures isn't gonna cut it.

Well that's all I need to say! Sorry for the long wait again!

Bye bye!!

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