Chapter Nine

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   Wow. He's already dead asleep. I got here five minutes ago and he's gone limp on my shoulder.
What even happened that got him so distraught? His eyes were glowing, Blazing yellow! Is he obtaining powers again? I can't tell if that's a good or bad thing. What if he turns on me with those powers. What if he goes power hungry! No that won't happen. Elemental Steve was never power hungry to begin with. There's no proof to that. But the real question is what caused it?
A bad dream no doubt, but this is the second one in a row. Will this keep happening? Maybe these dreams have something to do with his past, or what he did. He was freaking out saying "I'm sorry" non stop.
"Well... I can't leave you like this..." I yawned quietly to keep him from waking up. Slowly I moved him aside and climbed into the bed, pulling the covers over us both. "I can't have you waking up again..." I got comfortable as I kept my distance in the bed. I hope no one finds out about this. That'll be a lot of ship problems to deal with.


I'm in a dark room. There's no light and it's pitch black, but somehow I'm able to see my arms and body easily. I don't see any walls, so this place must go on forever. Am I in a dream?
"How dare you," a voice booms. I turn around to see two black figures. Extremely tall, large, and somehow even darker then our surroundings. I hope this is just my mind exaggerating. "How dare you question your purpose. I gave you one job, and you want to quit now?" One continued, as the other stayed silent, "I gave you the chance of a new start! Do you need to be reminded of your miserable one?..."
"N-No!" A familiar voice spoke behind me. Elemental Steve, looking just as he was before, "I-I Don't want to offended you #%+@*, but I just think... well..." I couldn't make out that name he mentioned.
"Well what? That we should spare the chicken and the pathetic Rainbow boy?" The other figure shouted. Are they talking about me and Rainbow Steve? "They're getting in your way! OUR way!"
"No they aren't!" Elemental talked back, immediately regretting his tone.
"That's enough out of you!" The main figure scolded, "you will continue with the plan we've taught you! If you choose to duck out, we will kill you ourselves! Slowly, and painfully. You have a purpose Elemental Steve! Do. It. Right."
"NO BUTS!" Elemental quivers, I've never seen him this terrified! Suddenly the figure held a hand up, ready to slap him.
The blow could kill me but, "no stop!" I got in the way of them.


I jerk up breathing heavy, unsure if I'm really awake. It isn't till I realize Elemental hugging my arm that I know I'm in the real world. I sigh and look out the window seeing the sunrise. Finally morning... slowly I get out of bed and cover Elemental Steve up more for him to get more rest. What a night it was...
Closing the door behind me I head down stairs to make something for us both. Maybe waffles... toast... eggs... but I can't even thing straight! That dream... it felt so real! Is it a sign? Something I should know? Who were those people- (Ding!)
The door bell? Did it just ring? Who could be up at... 6am? The mail man? He doesn't ring the bell. I walk over slouching and peek though the door hole- no way.
I swing the door open "Lucas?"
"Surprise!" He grins.
"Oh my gosh man it's been so long!" I hug him tight excitedly, "I thought you said you'd be here in another day though."
"I live in Europe! It was two days for me! Besides they had a good deal to get here cheap on Westjet!"
"Good to see you either way! Come on in I was about to make breakfast!" I move aside for Lucas to come in and I close the door when he's shifted inside.
Lucas takes a seat at the table as I prepare eggs.
"So about that so called steve..." Lucas brought up.
"Right," I remember, "the whole reason you're here... he's upstairs sleeping. Trust me you'll believe it when you see him."
"So you only said a few things about him on the phone," he mentions, "how about you tell me more! What's he like? Is he wild like Rainbow Steve? Shy like Light Steve?"
"Well... he's changed lately," I tell him. "Back in Minecraft I knew him as confident and smart. Like he knew everything, and that he knew what to do. Now he's insecure, curious and careful of his word and actions. I used to follow him until he betrayed us, and now it's the other way around, accept I don't plan on betraying him."
Lucas realizes, "is he the Steve that destroyed the town?"
I pause, "yeah he is." I look over and catch Lucas staring at me. He won't stop, "what?"
He asks, "aren't you going to rant to me?"
"About what?"
"About how horrible of a person he is?"
I look at him in disbelief before thinking why he would ask that, "no. It doesn't feel right. I am letting him stay in the house remember?"
"Elan are you... forgiving him?" Lucas beams.
"I-I'm not at that stage yet!" I defend, "I don't even know why he would-." I hear a yawn coming from the stairs. Lucas and I look over to see Elemental Steve coming over as he turns a corner. "Elemental. You're awake."
"H-hello Sabre..." he rubs his eyes. Suddenly he notices Lucas and wakes up fully; standing up straight trying to look like he's been awake longer and aware. "S-sorry for calling you Sabre again. Wh-who's this?"
"This is Lucas. A friend I invited over," I introduce, "its okay man he knows about everything."
Elemental Steve sits down, "alright then..." he's more calm and relaxed now.
"Whoa. You were right Sabre I do believe it! Unless those are contacts..." Lucas admires Elemental's eye for an uncomfortable bit of time.
"Uh... thank you?" Elemental tries to keep a forced smile.
I speak up, "dude you're freaking him out. Yes those are real now stop staring."
"Right sorry."
"So Elemental hungry?" I offer, "I'm cooking eggs."
"You can eat eggs in this dimension?" Elemental asks rather shocked.
"Oh ya we throw eggs in Minecraft! Remember Elan?" Lucas chuckles.
"Right! So what do you say? Wanna try eggs?"
"I don't see why not," he smiled, "but Sabre. Will it... You know..."
I'm aware of his problem with the bathroom, "Elemental everything makes you go to the bathroom eventually. You need to deal with it okay? It's gross but it happens either way. No escape."
"...okay..." he slumps in his chair red in the face as Lucas snickers beside him.
I continue to make the eggs as I hear Lucas talking to Elemental.
"So why'd you do it?" He starts.
"Hm?" Elemental looks over not understanding.
"Why'd you destroy the rainbow town?"
"O-Oh..." he immediately looks away.
"Oh come on man I wanna know! It's not like I'll strangle you for it. So was it to make your mark? Show them who's boss? Was it just for the heck of it?"
"It... was an accident..." he huffs.
"Didn't look like an accident to me," I butt in glaring at him in a sense. Elemental winces.
"Ya looked more like an assault if you ask me." Lucas gets on my side, "too much explosions to call it an accide-."
Elemental Suddenly gets up with his gaze towards the ground, "I don't feel hungry anymore..." he then walks out and heads back upstairs. I suddenly feel guilty for him. Why though? He caused it so why should I feel bad?
"Touchy subject I guess," Lucas turned to me after watching him leave.
"We'll have to talk about it eventually," I sigh, "can't be like that if he's gonna live here. That is if we find a way to bring him home. Well speaking of his touchy subjects, him and I have had some freaky dreams lately."
"Oh?" Lucas gets interested.
"I don't know a lot about Elemental. He's only told me a few things. I have had this dream earlier today though."


Guess who's back from camping!!

Thank you so much for 3k views! Other than my art books I've never gotten this much! For a book I literally thought of on the spot at a sleepover this sure made some positive outcomes!

Also I made an Ask blog on characters such as elan and Ele here! You can ask them whatever!

Hope this chapter was good!

Bye bye!!

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