Chapter Three

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   Am I actually doing this? Letting him sleep in my house? How was I so nice to him?
These thoughts wander in my head as I climb the stairs. I just can't believe I was like that! The Steve that destroyed the rainbow town and almost died a few hours ago is sleeping ON MY COUCH! I've probably said this hundreds of times by now... I guess I'm just so confused as to why he's here. It's just so sudden!
"Maybe I should check on him in an hour,"I whisper to myself. I go to my bedroom but keep the door open for emergencies downstairs, like I'm listening for a baby cry. Wow I feel like I'm a parent or something! Maybe I should get a baby thermometer, I joke in my head. Wait, that's not half bad of an idea.
I lay on my bed and check social media. Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, YouTube... a lot of people are upset about Elemental Steve!
"Whoa..." I stare. "I didn't realize Elemental was that popular! And after everything he did! I mean he was nice before... *sigh* if only they knew..."
Then I wonder if I should keep this a secret. If a tell the sky people about this they could just not believe me. That or the government is called for some sort of paranormal activity... then again I'm being honest and maybe I could get some help. Either way he has to go. I don't know how I would live with Elemental Steve roaming around in my house, full of sharp objects! Oh gosh I really am turning into a parent now.


It's almost 9:00pm. I'm going to check on Elemental Steve in 10 minutes. Well I was going to, until I hear noises coming from the living room.
I get up from my bed and head down stairs again. As I look to the couch I see Elemental Steve tossing around, and crying? He's having a nightmare. I'm torn by wether I wake him up or leave him. He can deal with a little bad dream... right? Then again he did go through heck today...
I wake him up, "Hey. Hey Elemental Steve. Wake up." I nudge him some more since he doesn't respond, "Elemental Steve wake up! Come on!"
Immediately he gets up after opening his eyes, "I'M SORRY!"
Elemental Steve frightens me so much I fall to the floor. I watch him gasp for air; Tears streaming down his face.
"S-Sabre?" He turns towards me.
"H-hey," I answer a little shocked still. "You were having a bad dream. I hope you don't mind me waking you up."
"No... no It's... quite alright," he answers wiping his face. "Thank you..."
"Do you need anything?"
"No... I'll be alright Sabre. Thank you for asking though I.. I can manage."
He's not okay. That expression he's wearing isn't reassuring.
I sit on the ground and lean against the couch, "Do you want to talk about it?"
"N-No... It's okay Sabre," Elemental Steve excuses. "I'll be fine."
I just continue to sit. He's hiding something, and I want to know.
"... you're not going to leave until I tell you what's troubling me aren't you?"
I look at him with a serious face. He sighs and flops onto the pillow.
"Fine..." Elemental Steve gives up. "I suppose I have no choice then." I face towards him as he clears his throat. "I dreamed... the machine worked," he hesitates. " that I wasn't able to stop it. You, Rainbow Steve, and Time Steve were dead. Then I was alone... in the void, and this thing in the shadows was pulling me away. That's when I woke up. There. I said it. Now can I go back to sleep?"
I feel kind of sorry for him, "I'm sorry... Elemental Steve..."
"Don't be," he tries to smile. "You didn't try to destroy the world. It's not your fault."
"Ya But..." I look down. "I could have done something... anything to stop it."
"You did stop it though."
"I could have stopped it sooner..."
"Well it's not your fault I'm like this..."
I turn towards him again, "what?"
"Everything was caused by me. If I didn't fight with Time Steve so much, or if I gave up on finding our creator non of this would have happened. If I wasn't so selfish I wouldn't have been such a bully like you said. I see that now, and I'm to blame for it. Not you Sabre..."
Jeez he looks awful. I mean he has a point. He did cause it all, but I kind of understand why he did. I look back at it now and just see what Time Steve showed me. Lots of fighting, and I don't think Time Steve did anything to prevent it. Now that I think about it power hungry was no where near what Elemental Steve was then. He was more... upset, and confused if anything.
I get up and ask to sit on the couch. Elemental Steve agrees and moves his legs.
"Elemental Steve," I start. "I know what you did was wrong, and I know it's going to take awhile for me to ever forgive you." Elemental Steve looks down at his knees. I continue, "But that doesn't mean it will never happen. Maybe, just maybe I can learn to forgive you, and we can be good friends again. Either way I'm not going to treat you poorly here. I'm going to treat you like any guest in my house. No less. I'm not going to let you get hurt. You're safe with me!"
Elemental Steve sniffs a little and smiles, "thank you Sabre... that must be the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me."
"No problem," I smile back. "Oh and uh, Elemental?"
"My name is actually Elan," I tell him.
"But I though your name was Sabre," he looks confused.
"It is where you're from, But in this world I'm called Elan."
"Oh," Elemental Steve looks surprised. "I always did think Sabre was a funny name. I like this one!"
"I'm glad!" I smile again. "Would you mind calling me that whenever there are other people around?"
"I will try. No promises guarantied though."
"I understand. You're used to calling me Sabre."
"Yes," Elemental Steve rolls his eyes. We laugh fo a little bit until Elemental yawns again.
"You gonna we okay sleep down here again?" I ask.
"I'll be fine Elan!" Elemental Steve mocks my name. "I feel much better now anyway."
"Okay then," I chuckle. "See you tomorrow."
"Goodnight." He answered lying back down.


I head back up stairs feeling good about what I said. Maybe we can be friends again. We already seem to be okay with each other's company. Well almost... I'm still cautious on everything, but I'm not going to treat him badly. Just because he did bad things to me doesn't mean I should give him payback. I'm no villain.
Although sooner or later he has to go. Go back to Minecraft I mean. Maybe I can call someone to help with that...


I hope you liked Chapter Three y'all!
So I left you off on a cliff hanger, but for a good reason. Sabre is going to call someone to help him send Elemental Steve back to the Steve realm. Who should the call be to?

-Lucas because he's been in the saga personally.

-09SharkBoy because he's experienced in steves.

-Spencer because he and Sabre are close.

-Tomas because he actually voices Elemental Steve (at least I think so).


The choice is yours! I would like to get the votes in soon though. So that the next chapter comes out! Thank you!

Oh and I'm making a Q&A. If you have a question comment it into my announcement book!

Welp that's all I have!

Bye bye!!

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