Chapter Six

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   "I think I'll go with Elliot," I decide.
   "Good choice!" Elan cheers, "alright. Now whenever you hear your name come look for me, since I call you by your new name now."
"Can I still keep my old name?" I ask.
"Of course man! Just like how you can still call me Sabre! Just not in public okay?" He explained.
"Okay." After more of this "driving" Elan calls it we stop in a place full of cars, but they're all different from ours. I think. So hopefully we won't lose our car. Once I'm let out of the car Elan takes some... bags I think he said out of the car and starts walking with me to a huge building. It's colourful, but mainly grey on the walls, and a huge sign on it read SuperStore. This size of the building intimates me though. Even Nightmare Steve's old palace was smaller than this! I do hope it's not large inside as well...


Oh sweet mother of Notch it's bigger on the inside. This place is huge. So much open space, food, and oh good gosh the people. It would be impossible to count them all.
This is no where near what the Steve Realm would have for population. There would be enough people in here to fill two yellow steve kingdoms! This is not what I am used to. I'm not even used to even being near people! I prefer being alone. Independent, and safe in the in-between. Great, now I miss the in-between again...
"Elliot? Elliot?" I feel a nudge on my shoulder and jump away. Elan is trying to get my attention, "are you coming?"
   "Um, yes. Sorry," I apologize embarrassed.
   "It's okay. I just need you to step out of the way so people can get in." I suddenly have the realization that I'm still standing at the front of the doors, with people trying to get by. Feeling more embarrassed I swiftly step aside for them to pass. They keep glancing and staring at me as they go through, making my very uncomfortable.
   "S-sorry. Again," I stutter, surprising myself as I speak.
   "Just stay close to me okay. Don't wander off," he leisures me.
   "I won't," who would even want to in this castle?

As we walk down the aisles I get more and more paranoid with the staring. I feel like they're all judging me, like they know what I did in my dimension. Every now and then I catch them glancing at my arm.
Elan takes his time with choosing food. I don't see why. He always looks at all of them and at the white boxed lettering. I don't understand why he's taking so long at every section. Why won't he just take one and leave? Is there something I don't know?
Eventually we get to this section with... I don't even know. Elan says it's called "hair products and hygiene"? With my curiosity flooding in me I search around. As Elan decides on something I glance up and down the shelves myself.Eventually I find the last thing I want to see again. The paper from the bathroom. I glare at the stacks in disgust and rush back to Elan.
   "Are you done here?" I tap my foot.
   "Ya Why? You okay?"
   "I just think we should hurry up," like nether I'm telling him why.
   "Okay then," we starting shuffling away. I suddenly catch Elan glancing at the paper and see him smirk. "Are you still upset over that?" He taunts.
   "Just be quiet."

After leaving That area and walking possibly miles we keep walking. Elan sure like taking his time. Elan turns a corner, and I was about follow behind him when I suddenly get light headed. I support myself on the corner before losing balance. I'm unable to keep myself awake.
"N-No..." I gasp, "n-not ag-ain..." then everything Blacks out.


"Elliot? Elliot!" Elan voice echoes along with a ringing in my ear. The darkness slowly fades away in my eyes and I regain my continence.
"S-Sabre?..." I groan.
"Oh thank goodness," he huffs in relief. I look around and notice there's a crowd of people surrounding us. Great. I'm causing a scene.
"Are you okay?" Elan looks worried, "I heard a commotion from over here and found you on the floor!"
"He collapsed on the ground," a person dressed in a vest notes. They have the store name from outside on their vest. Maybe they work here... "is he with you sir?"
"Yes he is," Elan helps me up as I wobble.
"Is he okay? Does he need an abundance?" They offer looking at my arm.
"No that won't be necessary," he protests. "I'm just going to take him back to the car so he can collect himself. Is that okay Elliot?" He puts enthusiasm on my name. I called him Sabre on accident, so he must be upset at that. Dang it I can't do anything right.
"Yes..." I nod my head lightly.
"Okay. If you say so, but would you like me to hold your groceries for you?" They asked rather generously.
"That would be great thanks," Elan sighs and he hands the bags. "Come on man." There isn't much Elan can do to to help me. I'm far more taller than him, so really he could just let me lean on him, but just enough not to topple onto him.
As we walk out I can hear the witnesses commenting about me.
"Is he okay?"
"He just fell. Is he sick?"
"Is it from the burn on his arm? That looks like it hurt!"
"Maybe it's a work accident. Poor guy."

Once Elan takes me outside we work our way back to the car.
"Dude what happened back there!" He sounds upset, "you nearly gave me a heart attack!"
"I'm... I'm sorry Sa- Elan.." I slip up again.
Elan sighs, "look we'll... talk about this later. Why don't you relax in the car and I'll finish getting the stuff."
"Sure..." Sabre eventually finds the car and unlocks the door. I slide in slowly.
"If you want you can turn on the radio. I'll turn on the car so theirs air conditioning too."
"P-Pardon?" I ask politely of an explanation of what he said.
"Um... I'm going to turn on the car so you don't get hot in here, and so you can listen to music. Turn that dial there," he points to a gadget in front of me, "just play around with it until you find something. Don't touch anything else though okay? Just that."
"Okay... thank you Elan..." I slump back before Elan closes the door and walks back. I don't feel like doing anything really though. I'm just... tired. Very tired.


So I bet you've noticed the change.

Really sorry I took the chapter down earlier. I was just so regretful of the joke I decided to take it down and fix it. I just was thinking of all the wrong things. Like confusing younger readers, making the situation awkward for others, and not to mention it seemed to be the most highlighted topic, which wasn't what I wanted. Sorry if I worried anyone. I just needed the change. I don't want this to me a mature read unless I have other plans.

This new art cover was made by gamersarathecat! They worked on that art price for 3 days! I. love it! Please go check them out! They deserve way more followers!

Wait should I post art? I mean I got one on chapter three, but should I add more? It doesn't have to be mine either! I can add other people's art if they want me to as well! I think that be cool!

Also Elliot takes the cake here. Sorry Eldwin but the comment board has spoken. Seriously it was like 11-5 or something.

Lastly thanks so much for 1k views! This has got to be my most popular book after the art books! Thanks a ton! I promise things are just getting started here!

Bye bye!

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