Chapter Eleven

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   It's been under two months now since Elemental's been in the real world, and I've noticed a big change in him! He's been a lot more open, happy, less stressed, and just overall positive! I think when he made the decision to tattoo his arms was when he really became more outgoing. He's nothing like the guy I met in the in between! He's like a whole other person! I'm glad he's getting a fresh new start here!

"You're doing great Ele!" I cheer, "all you need to do now is park. Remember how to parallel park?"
"How could I forget? That's the one thing you won't stop going over with me," Elemental rolls his eyes as he slowly took his time to park. I've been teaching Elemental to drive for a month now. Of course it wasn't easy getting the permission to; since he doesn't have a single legal requirement to pass as an American. These are the true struggles of an alien. I'm surprised we were able to make him a passport!
"Ele that was perfect!" I squeal.
"Hey I learned from the best," Elemental punches my arm jokingly, "can we go get ice cream now?"
"It's 'may' Ele," I taunted. Elemental's been slowly losing his professional talk the more he opened up so I may or may not be helping him get it back.
He groaned, "Oh shut up... I get it I'm not British!"
I snorted since I taunted him with his accent too, "Okay okay let's focus. What's my name?"
"Elan. What's my name?" He replied.
"Elliot. Okay let's go!" I holler getting out of the car. Elemental fist bumps the air excitedly, but subtly as he gets out and locks the car.


"So I drive through the drive through again and she says 'will that be all ma'am,' MA'AM! Like really is my voice that high?"
"I mean it's not that high," Elemental replies to my story, "why were driving so much to McDalace though?"
"First off did you just call McDonald's McDalace?" I burst out laughing.
   Elemental blushes in embarrassment, "I-I'm not fully accustomed to fast food okay?!"
"Sorry sorry," I calm down, "and like I said it was Ryan's birthday! I was surprising him!"
"That's a lot of money spent for food. Did you even finish it all?"
"Most of it we left in the fridge," I answer.
"Understandable," Elemental licks his ice cream, "so how is my world doing? You haven't said much about anyone."
   He's right. I haven't said anything about how things are going without him. I haven't even said a thing about Galaxy Steve. I feel like I should tell him at an appropriate time. Don't know when though.
"Well we recently defeated a new Steve."
"Oh?" Elemental turned his head to face me.
"Yeah. Really creepy guy... Rainbow Steve and I trapped him in a makeshift machine in a swamp biome and destroyed him there. Right after that Rainbow and I were getting attacked by something else. We don't know what but it was deleting the ground from under us and-."
"GET DOWN!" Elemental screams before tackling me to the ground and behind a nearby car. My head hits the ground and I hold the place it hurts most. I can make out two loud bangs from behind the car followed by shrieks of bypassers. Gunshots?
   "What the heck?!" I recover.
   "I-I don't know! I was just listening to you, and then I see some guy point a gun at us from the other side of the road!" Elemental answers with panic in his voice.
  "What?!" I gasp, "why would someone try to shoot us?! Did you see who?"
   "Let me look again," Elemental peeks. He quickly ducked his head back though after hearing more shots fired at the car. "He has a suit on."
   I glare disappointed, "that's is?"
   "Oh I'm sorry! Did you want my head BLOWN OFF?!" He screams back.
   "Calm down man!" I scream back. Collecting myself I glance around the area to see where we can escape. The only exit point I can see is an ally way just a few feet away from us. Only problem is it's too far away, and we'd only run into bullets. "Is there anyway we can shield ourselves?"
   Elemental looks at the car door hesitant, "sorry about this stranger..." grabbing the handle he rips the door of the passenger seat right off with ease.
   My mouth gapes open, "when did you learn to do that?!"
   "So don't freak out, but I may have learned I have super strength a few days ago with my door knob.... and by which I mean I busted it off...." Elemental nervously says forcing a smile to look innocent.
   I sigh, "we'll fix it later," shuffling my feet back I point to the ally way. "On the count of three we run. Got it?"
   "Got it," he answers.
   "One... two... three!" We book it out of our hiding place and sprint side by side as best we can. The gunshots ring and hit the brick wall behind us, but strangely enough none of them hit the car door.
Once we make it to the ally Elemental chucks the door at the gunman in an attempt to slow him down or stop him. We don't care if we hit him though. We care about staying alive.
   "Where are we going?!" Elemental quickly catches up.
   "Somewhere populated so we can loose him!" I quickly answer.
   "Sounds good-," He looks up loosing his train of thought.
   "Elemental?" I look up too and on the roof we see him. He climbed the roof?! How!
   He jumps down just from a miraculous height barely scraping a knee as Elemental stands between him and me.
   "Stay back." Elemental scolds holding his arms out to protect me. His mood however quickly changes from serious to concern. "Wait.... Memory?"
   The man stares at him for a few seconds and slightly lowers the gun, "Elemental..?"
   I'm sorry what? Memory as in Memory Steve? But we destroyed him!
I peek from under Elemental's arm and see a skinny but tall man in a brown-ish grey suit, red tie, and a mask. The mask isn't spiral like his face was on Minecraft, just a plain white one bought from The Dollar Tree with the price tag still on it. Was Memory Steve always wearing a mask? Either way this had to be Memory! Who else? But how did he get here?
   "Why are you here?" Memory growls aiming the gun right back up.
   "I-I can explain!" Elemental tenses, "look it's a long story. The better question is why are you here?"
   "That's classified and you know it. Step out of the way so I can kill Sabre!" He tries aiming the gun at me now.
   "No!" Elemental protests.
   "Excuse me?" He speaks calmer but clearly more angry, "Elemental Steve do what you are told NOW."
   "Memory listen! I know he wants you to do this but here you don't have to listen to him!" He? "I've only been here for two months and I've gotten so much better already! In this dimension you get to live for yourself!"
   "What are you saying?" Memory scoffs.
   "I'm saying you should put the gun down, and  come with us..." he tries to walk closer to Memory, "you've clearly just got here, and if Sabre could help me then we can help you. We don't have to fight anyone anymore, just forget him."
Theres an eerie silence between all of us.  As Elemental walks closer to try and take the gun Memory points it one last time.
   "You're such a traitor," he mutters. A loud bang goes off and I feel a pinch in my right side. Something just grazes me. I look up at Elemental who had been knocked back. A red stain was forming in this back of his sweater...


What's up mother lovers!! I'm back!

I'm sorry I haven't posted with anything. Things like school, the whole pandemic, and a lot of bad news was just overwhelming me and I wanted to take a break. I promised I'd get this done this week though so I hope you enjoyed. Well actually no. I hope you're terrified. 😉

I'm slowly coming back to wattpad, but I still got a lot going on. I technically have a part time job this month so I need to focus on that. I will eventually bring back Monday Memes and the Ask Blog gradually though so that's a bright side!

For now I hope this was a good suspenseful chapter (ps. the shadowy figure from the teaser poster we Memory duh).

Bye bye!!

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