Chapter Ten

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   Of course I wouldn't be free from what I did... how would I... but why is it so hard to deal with it... I'm just sitting on the floor of my room leaned against the door, as I hear the muffled conversation of Lucas and Sabre; My hoodie displayed beside me as I was getting heated and felt hot. I bet their talking about me, and how I was... am a horrible person. AGH I'm so stupid! Why would I even listen to him! I just hurt everyone I knew! Now almost all of them think I'm dead because... b-bec-ause...
"N-Notch not... again..." everything went Black once again.


"Is this the first time?"
"No the second! Agh! he always scares me when he does this!"
"Okay okay let's just get him on the bed. On three. One, two, three!"
I feel myself being lifted up as I slowly gain consciousness. I groan before I'm completely laid down.
"Oh he's awake!" I hear Lucas's voice ring out.
"Elemental? Hey man how many fingers am I holding up?" Sabre asks putting his blurry hand out.
"W...What are... f-fingers...?" I muster.
"...okay bad example," Sabre frowns sounding disappointed.
"Well at least he's responding," Lucas sighs, "Elemental Steve right? Uhh can you tell us what happened?"
"I... I just fainted... it's nothing special. I-It happens all the time. Even back in my dimension."
"All the time huh...?" Lucas ponders in that.
"Yeah he said he didn't get much sleep back in Minecraft," Sabre adds, "I'm still surprised that people like him need rest."
Lucas takes out a small rectangle that I've seen Sabre use to talk with. He uses a finger, I think to motion around with it and tap.
"Sabre come look at this," he orders.
"What is it?" I ask.
"Yeah Lucas. What's up?" Sabre looks over.
"I don't think he's tired. It's not everyday someone faints from drowsiness. I think these are blackouts caused by stress. I mean the symptoms seem to fit his condition."
"You mean it's not from lack of sleep?" Sabre looks surprised before thinking for a second. "That actually makes sense... Elemental?"
"...why don't you go to the couch. I think we'll watch some marvel movies in a few minutes."
I sigh a little, "sure... see you down there.."
   "Yeah... See you down there."

I lay on the couch as I look up at the ceiling; Waiting for Sabre and Lucas to come down. As I wait for what seems like an eternity I listen closely to what their conversation is about. It's hard to tell who's talking though.
   "He's a handful I'll give him that..."
   "So how do we plan on sending him home?"
   "I don't know! The only supernatural power I've seen him do is his eyes glowing! I've never seen him do that in Minecraft! If he can't get home how can we do it"
   "Calm down he might hear you! At least he's here and not roaming the street."
   "Yeah... I'm glad I caught him. I'd feel awful if I knew he was out in the world..."
   I sigh in frustration, "bullbrick..."
Tired I turn on my side and hug my arms as some source of warmth. I don't want to get up and grab a blanket, or my hoodie. It would be too much work.
The conversation upstairs comes to a stop. Footsteps hit the floor once they've come down to the stairs.
   "So you'll be here tomorrow?" Sabre asks.
   "why wouldn't I stay for the morning? I came all this way to see you and your harboured alien~." Lucas jokes, though I don't understand the point. Time could make better jokes than that let alone understandable.
   "Oh shut up Lucas." Sabre sighs rhetorical.
   "Well anyways I'm off to my hotel room," Lucas opens the door for himself. "Hey Elemental! If you're up to it tomorrow I can show you what ice cream is!"
   I look over and force a smile, "I...I think I'd like that... thank you Lucas."
   "That's actually pretty nice of you. Thanks man. And thanks for coming!" Sabre grins.
   "anytime! Well see you guys soon!"
With that Lucas leaves. I stop smiling and lie back on the couch oblivious to Sabre watching.
   "Elemental Steve? You alright man?" He asks.
   "Hm? Oh yes. I'm alright. Just tired."
   "Okay. I'll go make the popcorn then."

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