Chapter 1

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Yoongi and I had become closer these last few weeks, and that made me the happiest girl in the world. Even though he normally acted tough, even around me, that persona had slowly started to leave him. It wasn't until he asked me out that it occurred to me he loved me, in ways he would show without me noticing.

It had been the first day of school when I met him. I was walking to school with my best friend, when she had told me about a new student we were getting. I was very excited since we normally don't get new students. We didn't know if they were a boy or girl though, but it didn't matter. I was excited to meet them. We ran to school, despite people glaring at us.

We entered the school, greeted with familiar faces. After saying hi to all of my classmates, I desperately looked around for the new student. I couldn't find them, and I had to get to class. I walked into class and took my usual seat in the back. I was scrolling through my phone when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked up from my phone, expecting it to be one of my friends. I was shocked, though, to see an unfamiliar face.

His face was soft, is the best way I can describe it. He had beautiful clear skin, deep and mysterious eyes, and plump lips. It took me a minute to realize he was our new student.

"Is this reading class," he asked calmly.

"Oh um yes it is," I managed to say. Why am I finding it hard to talk to him?

He took a seat beside me and put down his books. I was thrilled on the inside to be talking to him, and I was curious to know more about him.

"Are you our new student," I asked politely.

"Yes, sadly."

"Why sadly?"

His face was hard to read. The tone of his voice was sad, but he looked more angry than anything. He seemed very mysterious, which just made me more curious.

"I didn't really wanna move here. I was happy where I lived before."

"Oh I'm sorry. I know how it is to leave a place you love. It's happened to me before too. But you'll love it here, trust me."

"We'll see about that," he said with a rude tone. I could tell he was angry, so I decided not to ask him anymore questions. Luckily the teacher had walked in at a good time.

"Hello class! Quiet down please. Ah, ok, that's better. Anyway, before we start class let me get attendance."

I was nervous for this class, since I had heard it was very hard. She was calling off all the names out loud, students saying here if their name was called. Once my name was called and I had stated I was present, a new name was called.



I looked at the boy beside me, now knowing his name. Yoongi, it had a nice ring to it. I focused my attention back to the teacher, as she was starting class.

"Alright everyone, so I'm sure you all had a great summer. And you know what? I'd love to hear all about it! So your first assignment will be to write a paper about your summer."

Everyone in the class cheered and smiled, knowing this assignment would be easy. But their hollers and smiles quickly faded away.

"I wasn't finished. This will not be as easy as you think. I am making you pair up with another person, and you both have to combine your summer experiences into a story. It could be a happy story, or a sad one. It is up to the two of you."

Everyone's faces slowly turned into frowns. The teacher was right, it would not be easy. Then the dreaded question popped into all of our heads: Did we get to pick our partners? She quickly answered that question.

"I have already picked your partners, so don't ask if you can."

She grabbed her clipboard and started reading off the pairs of names. None of my friends were in this class, so I was nervous on who I would work with.

"Emily, you and Yoongi will be a pair."

He and I looked at each other, but his face looked a little less frustrated. I smiled sheepishly, and he returned it. I was excited, but also nervous. After reading all the names, she let us get with our partners and start working. I slid my chair over to his desk and sat there, dumbfounded. I wanted to speak, but I felt like my throat had all of a sudden closed up. He noticed and decided to speak up, thank goodness.

"So, do you have any ideas for what our story could be like?"

"Um, I can't think of anything at the moment."

"Of course. Well, we should probably talk about how our summers were first."

"Yeah that would work. You go first."

He sighed, and I knew he didn't want to explain. But he had no choice. "Well basically I spent my whole summer moving here. I didn't have a lot of free time, but when I did, I would compose songs. Now you go."

"Well, I spent most of my summer alone. I would go out with my friends occasionally, but most of the time I would stay at home alone. I worked a lot and made a good amount of money. My summer was pretty boring actually."

"Do you like to be alone," he suddenly asked me. I blushed, and bowed my head down so he couldn't see me.

"Well, um, I do like to be alone. I'm kinda anti social. I have friends, but I'm used to being alone."

"Well that makes two of us then."

I looked up to see him blushing as well. It seemed like we would get along well, even though we liked to be alone. I then remembered we were supposed to be working, and I had a great idea for our story.

"I have a good idea for our story!"

"What is it?"

"How about we write a story about a girl and boy who both move to the same town. They keep running into each other, but ignore each other since they like to be alone. They slowly start to like each other, and become friends. Then one day, the boy asks the girl to a school dance, and she accepts. They go and have a great time, and he asks her out. She says yes and happily ever after."

I looked away, realizing how stupid that sounded. It was a love story, and he didn't seem like he would be into those. He stared at me with a blank expression, contemplating the idea.

"That actually sounds great. Let's do it."

"Wait, you really wanna do my stupid idea?"

He laughed a little. "It's not stupid. In fact, I have an idea on what I want to add to it to make it amazing."

"Oh well ok then. Looks like we have our story!"

He smirked at my excitement, but his attention was drawn from me to the clock as the bell rang. We both grabbed our stuff and sat up.

"Well, see ya later," I said as I waved goodbye to him.

"Bye Emily."

I left the room and ran to my friends to tell them I had met the new kid.

"Hey guys guess what!"

"It must be something amazing since you're basically screaming," said my friend Kenzie.

"I met the new kid! His name is Yoongi and he's kinda shy but we have a lot in common already! We got assigned to work on a story in reading together and I'm so happy!"

"Lower your voice Emily, you wouldn't want him to hear you." Kenzie tried to look serious but couldn't help but laugh.

"I'm sorry, I'm just weirdly really happy to have met him."

"Do you like him already," Kenzie asked with a smirk on her face.

"Well I wouldn't say that," I said as I blushed and looked at the ground.

"Oooh, Emily likes Yoongi," Kenzie said kind of loud.

I pushed her against the locker and looked up to see Yoongi glancing at us.

"Fuck," is all I managed to say.

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